Writer's Angst and some Thank Yous

Thank You Jeanette!

Thank You Steph in the City!

Here's a cute video I found over at Miss Snark's First Victim. It's an advertisement for Authoress's Book Agent Demystified, but I still thought it was really funny and kind of true. At least for the beginning of most of our writing journeys.

Have a great weekend!


Katie Ganshert said…
That is funny, Jessica! Congrats on the awards! How fun!
Gwen Stewart said…
That is so true, Jessica! The whole profession is rather mystifying. Love that video. Keep on keepin' on!
Krista Phillips said…
Very funny, and congrats on your award!
Terri Tiffany said…
This was soooo funny! I loved the headshot and chocolate! LOL
Jennifer said…
I love, love, love that video. :) It's one of my absolute favorites. Congrats on the award! :D
Amy DeTrempe said…
Great video. Loved it.
This is hysterical and oh so true!!! Thanks for sharing! Made my day!
Tamika: said…
Congreatulations on the awards Jessica- you deserve them! Thank God for your kind spirit.

This was too cute and you're right it does apply!
Project Journal said…
BIG CONGRATS on your awards!!! : )

I recieved my first(woohoo!) blog award last week and am just barely figuring out how to put it onto my blog *blush* It's exciting, isn't it? Lol...

Jessie Oliveros said…
Yea for awards! My favorite was packing her pic, stuffed goose, and chocolate with her ms. You mean that doesn't work?
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks guys. Awards are fun. I'm hoping to give out a whole bunch soon...
I'm glad you all like the video. I thought it was SO funny, and yes, the chocolate part cracked me up. I was like, what is she sprinkling in there? And I then I realized and started laughing like a hyena because I'm such a chocolate freak too. LOL
Glad I'm not the only one. Heehee
anita said…
Congrats on the award, Jessie! You totally deserve it, BQE. Heehee

Wow, that trailer is HILARIOUS! And true. Even partly true once you GET an agent. HEH.

Have a great Sunday, girl!
LAUGHING ARSE OFF - omg laughing....that is halarious!....
Deb Shucka said…
Not sure whether to laugh or cry - two more rejections came last week. :-)

Congrats on your awards.
Congrats on the awards!!! You deserve them!
Karen Hossink said…
Yeah, I wondered that, too. About the chocolates and nuts, etc. Does that help?
Cuz if it doesn't, I'd sure want to keep them for myself. *grin*

Congrats on the awards, my friend!
Pen Pen said…
OMG! How funny with the goose toy and chocolates!! I laughed once when my mom told me I should sent the lit agents a rose cuz when Kate Winslet auditioned for 'Titanic', she sent James Cameron a rose and signed it, "From Your Rose"...I was like, "Great idea mom, but I don't think it would work that way in this situation! :)
Tana said…
Congrats you deserve them!!!! How'd you get that video of me? ;)

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