Award Thanks

I got these awards a while ago and I'm sorry I'm just now putting them up. Thank you, ladies, for thinking of me!

Thank you to Susan.

Thank you MaryBeth!

I have to pass this on to Susan because I met her shortly after starting this blog and she has always been so faithful in commenting. Not only that, but she is diligent and loyal in compiling a weekly update with prayer requests and praises. Susan, you're a blessing to know. :-)

Thank you Julie!

So many of you deserve awards! I'm watching my nephews and am a little busier, but I should be getting around to all of you today. :-)


anita said…
Congrats on the awards, oh BQ Extraordinaire. :-) You deserve them all and more.

Have a good night.
Hi Jess -

Thank you so much! Your loyal commenter finally got over here after a crazy few days.

Congrats on the awards - very deserving. :)

Danyelle L. said…
Congratulations, Jessica!
Tabitha Bird said…
Cool awards. And what lovely people you have passed them on to. :)
Angie Muresan said…
Congratulations Jessica! Your shelves must be getting pretty full! ;)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Ladies. They're full enough. :-)
Awards are nice, definitely.

Susan! You're fine. :-) I'm pretty sure I didn't make it to your place either. Life does seem hectic right now.
Linda Kage said…
Congrats on the awards! They're beautiful.
Jody Hedlund said…
Congrats Jess! See you do have an attractive blog and sweet presence online! The awards just show it! :)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jody! Thank you. :-)

Thanks Janna and Linda. I wish I had an award unique to every blogger who I love.
Anonymous said…
You deserve each and every one sweet gal! :O)
Karen Lange said…
Congrats to all the winners! Blessings:)
Julie Dao said…
Congrats on all your awards, Jessica!
Elana Johnson said…
Excellent -- you deserve every award you receive, and more. :)
kah said…
Look at you! Racking up the awards. Congrats and you def deserve each one. :)
Nancy said…
You do deserve awards. You are very dilligent. I love the award with all the book bindings showing. Makes me want to grab one and have a good read.
Katie Ganshert said…
Congrats on the awards, Jess!

I didn't think your comment on Jody's blog sounded cold at all. In fact, I totally agree. I tend to visit the blogs of people I've made some sort of connection with (like meeting you in person at the conference!) before I check others.

Hope you're having a great week!
Karen Hossink said…
Congrats on the awards, Jessica.

You're watching your nephewS, plural? So how many kiddos are running around your house today???

That deserves an extra special award! *grin*
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Karen,
Monday I just watched two, so it was five boys. *grin* On Tuesday, the three oldest were in school, but that afternoon, six boys. We spent a lot of time outside. Heh.

Thanks Katie! I'm glad it didn't come off wrong. Thank you for letting me know! My week's going good, just really busy.

Nancy, thank you. :-) I think we all deserve different kinds of
awards. Each person is so special, I think.

Hey Karen, thanks for stopping by! I wouldn't say I'm racking them up. LOL These are kind of older ones, but I'm still thankful.
Hey I just stopped by. I am enjoying reading your blog.
Jill Kemerer said…
Congrats! You deserve them. Have fun with the little ones!
Katie Salidas said…
Wow! Look at all those awards. And you totally deserve them. I love reading your blog.
Patti Lacy said…
How old are those nephews???

Congrats, girl. Before I looked at this blog post, I knew you were popular from the variety of bloggites. May God use your encouraging place for His glory.

Tana said…
Congrats on your awards, you really deserve them! I love visiting your blog. Enjoy your nephews =)
Genny said…
Congrats to you, Jessica. Much deserved. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Patti,
My nephews are 7,5, and 2. I took them outside a lot! LOL
Keli Gwyn said…
Congratulations on your latest awards, Jessie. You've got quite a collection of them now. :D

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