I'm Sick

Yep, fun stuff. Mostly just a really nasty cold. Who cyber-sent it my way?

Be back hopefully on Friday with some query linkage.


Tabitha Bird said…
It was not me :) Get better soon girl :)
Katie Ganshert said…
Feel better soon, Jessica! Being sick is no fun at all!
Unknown said…
Aww how junky! Feel better!
Tamika: said…
Feel better soon Jessica! Praying for you..
Jennifer Shirk said…
Awww...I'm sorry. Feel better soon!!
Terri Tiffany said…
Get better! Thhis cold here in Florida is causing havoc with the hot and cold temps.
Not me. I would have sent the stomach flu, but of course I wouldn't do that to you. Hope you have lots of Puffs around.
~ Wendy
Sending you chicken soup, warm blankies, hugs and prayers for healing!
Linda Glaz said…
Get well, we need you.
Linda Kage said…
No me! I've been healthy.

Get better soon.
Sarah Forgrave said…
I feel your pain. I've been sick since Christmas. My doctor informed me today that pregnant women can take four times longer to get over a cold...lucky me! :-)

Hope you feel better soon!
Anonymous said…
Yukky yuk! Get better....
Erica Vetsch said…
Curl up with a book and some tissues. Hope you feel better soon.
Jessica Nelson said…
So Sarah and Jaime are to blame, huh? *grin*

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments. I'm fixing to take a nap and hopefully be better soon.
Julie Dao said…
Feel better Jessica!! The good thing about getting sick is being able to pamper yourself so curl up with a good book and some tea :)
patti said…
Yuck. Hope you get better--soon, or at least "better" enough to feel like being pampered a bit!

Elana Johnson said…
Bummer. Hope you feel better soon! *hugs*
Jill Kemerer said…
Oh no! Get some 7Up and put those feet up!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Julie. That would be a good thing...if I didn't have three wild boys running all around! :-)

Thanks everyone. I actually am taking it somewhat easy. Visiting blogs, eating icecream... *grin*
oh no! feel better soon sooner soonest!
Robyn Campbell said…
Please feel better SOON! I am so sorry that you are sick. No fun. No fun at all. I shall send a prayer for you. God will send healing. (^_^)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
So sorry-this is my third cold since Christmas. I hope you feel much better soon!
Hi Jess -

Awww, I'm sorry you're under the weather. Praying for a quick recovery.

Susan :)
Keli Gwyn said…
Jessie, I'm sorry to hear the nasty bug bit you. What a bummer. I'm sending you a big pot of cyber chicken soup and some honey and lemon tea. Hope it helps. :)
Angie Muresan said…
It could've been me. So sorry... Love and hugs to you, though. Feel better!
anita said…
Get well, my dear sickie friend.
Faith said…
Yuck! It seems to be going around right now, though. Get better! Have some tea and a nap. :)
Kara said…
Get better soon, I didn't realize I was cyber-contagious!:)
Emily Conrad said…
I'm behind on my blog reading and I guess it's been two days since this post, but I really hope you're feeling better by now. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog despite how you were feeling!

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