Backing Up Your Posts

Hi everyone,
I'm still dealing with a nasty sinus infection, so I thought I'd pass along this information. I got it from Susan, who got it from Jean (who so kindly passed it along).

Backing up your entire google blog is incredibly easy. You just click on your settings tab, once you're signed in. Then click on export. When the save box pops up, just save your blog to whatever file you want with whatever name you want.

Now I have every single post I've ever written stored on my hard drive.

Have a wonderful weekend! And I hope all of you stay healthy.


Stephanie Faris said…
SO cool. I had no idea! Blogger used to be my MySpace backup -- I'd do my posts in draft here and copy them over there, then publish them here too so I'd have a backup if MySpace ever deleted my account. Now I have no backup!
Linda Glaz said…
Super idea. I've been keeping them on my hard drive as I write them, but when I put them on the blog, they often change, so I'm not saving the exact posting. Thanks for the tip.
Anissa said…
This is a good idea. Thanks!
anita said…
Great info, Jessie. My, but you're becoming a techno savvy gal. ;-)

Hope those antibiotics kick in and you feel back to your chipper self soon!
Katie Ganshert said…
THANKS!! I just did it. So nice to know it's safe!

Hope you feel better soon, Jessica!
Unknown said…
Awesome!!! Thanks for the information! I plan on doing it right away... I never thought about backing up my posts!
Karen Lange said…
Thanks! Saw this over at Susan's blog but hadn't gotten to it yet. Thanks for the reminder:)
Hi Jess -

Thanks for passing the word along and the link.

May I add one thing? Be sure to back-up your hard drive to a flash drive or external hard drive. If your computer crashes, you'll have your data saved.

Susan :)
Camille Eide said…
Wait - you're supposed to actually post stuff on your blog? Cool. No one told me. :-)

Hope you kick it & feel better soon!
Jessica Nelson said…
Haaahaaa, funny Camille. :-) Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I'm actually feeling better today, thank goodness.
Susan, good reminder! I didn't do that and I should.

This is so much better than cut and paste. Huge thanks to Susan and Jean for getting the word out!
patti said…
Girl, you need to GET WELL!
Thanks for yet another great tip.

Nancy J. Parra said…
Oh- thanks for this. I had never heard of it. Will go do it now.

Hope you feel better soon!! cheers~
Danyelle L. said…
Thanks for the tip, Jessica!

*hugs* I hope you get better quickly.
Unknown said…
Please feel better. What a super fantastic tip. I'm going to do it right now. Thanks girl. Get well!! (^_^)
Robyn Campbell said…
ARGH! This is like the third time this has happened to me. The above comment from Cameron is actually from me. Cameron is my kid that uses my computer to check his email and stuff instead of using his own. ARGH!!!
Jennifer Shirk said…
Oooh, I had no idea you could do that! THANKS!!!!
Linda Kage said…
Thanks for the tip; I was clueless about being able to do that too!
Elana Johnson said…
Very cool! Thanks for the tip. I hope you feel better soon soon soon. It's no fun being sick. :(
Nancy said…
Thanks for the helpful information. And I hope you feel better soon.
Jill Kemerer said…
Easy-peesy! Thanks for this great info!
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm so glad I'm not the only who didn't know about backing up posts. *grin*
Now, hopefully, I get to come visit all of you!
kah said…
Ain't technology wonderful? Great tip for saving our hard work. :)
Jessie Oliveros said…
Never thought of that, but all those hours we put into blogging possibly lost in a moment? So scary. "Back up my blog" is now on my list.
Tana said…
That's terrific info!!!! I actually am going to copy and paste this too. Thank you Jes, please feel better!!!! xoxo
Genny said…
Didn't know this; thanks so much, Jessica! :)
Angie Muresan said…
Hmm... wonder if it's the same for Wordpress? Still sick? So sorry to hear that.

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