Transitioning and Computer Hogging

I'm a little behind in reading posts because I've (horror of horrors) been having to share MY internet with Hubby. Back in the day, the computer was all mine. But now Hubbalicious has decided to create a fishing show, so my internet time has been limited.

Thanks to a friend, I was able to install a router for my laptop and now I'll be able to jump on and read blogs whenever I want. No more bowing to my ambitious, innovative and computer-hogging man. :-)

How do you handle computer time in your family? Ever find yourself trying to hog the internet?


Unknown said…
I can relate! Hence the new laptop! It's nice being able to get on the internet any old time and not have to wait for it! Although I must say, my family is very considerate and are fairly used to seeing me as a permanent fixture on the computer these days! Glad you're up and running again!! :)
Jennifer Shirk said…
*snort-snort* I'm a computer hog!

My hubby even calls me "computerina". LOL!
He finally told me (begged me) to get a laptop (which I did on black Friday)because he needs the computer for work, too.

There is peace in the house again. :)
Kristen Painter said…
My husband and I sometimes email back and forth. While we're both home.
When hubby was alive, we shared one internet connection. This was during my pre-blogging days, so it wasn't too bad. We'd need one of those routers if he was still around today. :)

We have wireless at our house and my family got me my own laptop this year on Mother's Day! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! :)
YOu are too funny, Jessica! I love the word Hubbalicious; did you invent it?

We shared a computer and the internet until a few months ago when I saved up and bought myself a laptop. I have my own office since my son moved out, so I'm loving my own space, which I've never had before. Yippee Dippee!!!
kah said…
You poor thing. I would have had a meltdown. lol. It's just me and my roomie. We have wireless internet and our own laptops, so no internet stress here. (Except that I don't have enough time to read as many blogs as I'd like to).
I will not share my computer time! I know...selfish! But the minute I think someone else, even hubby wants it, I freak out with internet withdrawal! LOL! We have three working computers and one in parts and wireless in our house so there is no need to share!
Diane said…
I've used a timer before with my kids. Now I tell them to look at the clock in the corner and stop at a certain time. We only have one computer so it is a juggling act at times. :O)
Ohmygosh. This post is my life the last few days! We have three computers in the house, and they're all networked together, with internet access and the whole nine. Usually I don't have to share. BUT we've had three snow days in a row, my girls are restless and want to play online computer games, and I've had to share my laptop (it's set up for them best). I was feeling pretty selfish this morning. :/
Julie Dao said…
Luckily my computer is mine all mine! But back in the day, I had to share one with my brothers and let me tell you, I had to pry those boys from the screen with a wrench before I could use it ... even for homework. Now we're all grown up and all have our own - definitely don't miss the old days!
Erica Vetsch said…
I'm blessed to have four people in this house and four computers to access the Internet as needed (or wanted.) But I sure don't miss the old days of dial-up and only one internet computer and waiting, hovering, breathing down the neck of the person using the computer until it could be MY turn.
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh my gosh! You all are cracking me up! I'm still working on getting all my updates and then I'll be in business. :)

Jeanette...I may have made it up, but can't be sure. Now that I thought of it, I'll never stop using it. LOL Isn't it an awesome word? Heeeheee!
Unknown said…
Me...hog the computer? I would NEVER (as in always) do that!!!
Tamika: said…
Before hubby bestowed me with my laptop I never had computer time! Now my brows furrow at the slightest touch of my computer- they now that I don't plan on sharing anytime soon!
i've tagged you on my blog tomorrow, so be sure to stop by and check it out!
anita said…
It helps that each of the kids have a limit of an hour during the school week and two hours during the weekend. The whole rest of the time, that baby is mine! Heh...

Actually, it's a good thing I have to get off from time to time to share, or I'd never get anything else done. HA!
Jody Hedlund said…
When we got our second lap top and I could claim it as mine, I was in total heaven! Now both my hubby and I can sit together at night on the couch with our lap tops and have peace! ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Jody, isn't it a nice peace? ;-)

LOL Anita!

Tamika, I know what you mean. :)

Jeannie, I'll be by. Thank you!
Sarah Forgrave said…
My husband and I both have laptops for work, so if the other person is on our home computer and we're desperate, we whip out our laptops.
Linda Kage said…
I usually check my online stuff at work (shhhhh). But we bought one of those wireless routers at home, so one of us (either my hubby or me) can check our emails on the desktop, while the other checks theirs on the laptop.

Since my hubby got a facebook account a couple weeks ago, he's turned into Mr. Social King. That and ebay are his big vices these days!
Angie Muresan said…
Well, in our household, we each have our own laptops.
Windy said…
Luckily I have a laptop and the husband uses the desktop, so he has to deal with the competing for computer time with the kidlets.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Windy! Heeheee!

Angie....your own?? Each?? I'm impressed and a tad jealous, which makes no sense since I have my own laptop. LOL Maybe I'm flashing back to the longings of my teenhood? LOL

Linda, too funny about your hubby!
Jill Kemerer said…
I get the computer ALL to myself every weekday! It's the best!

So glad you have your own laptop access now!
Nancy said…
This is my computer. My husband isn't into them. My daughter uses it, but usually at night and I'm an afternoon or morning person. So it works out. My husband loves fishing. Maybe he'd like your husgand's new venture. You never know.
Jessica Nelson said…
Yay for Jill! :-) So you know the utter joy I'm feeling now. LOL

Nancy, that's cool for you! My hubby didn't use to play on the computer, but times have changed. LOL I'm going to post a link soon to my husband's website. I think your husband would probably like it. :-)
Tana said…
Yay for laptops and for routers! I enjoy the technology of both. I'm still praying for your hubby, I'm excited!
Jessica Nelson said…
I know, i was thinking about how the router works and how cool it is! And it's free! Even better. LOL

Thanks for the prayers. I hope things go well for my husband and his partner. ;-)
Angie Ledbetter said…
No can do on the puter sharing. I love my little cheapo Acer. It's mine mine mine all mine! :)
Suzette Saxton said…
Yay! So glad you are back online. My two young daughters always want to write books. (Wonder who they get that from?!?) Luckily my teenage son has been given a laptop by his uncle.
Dara said…
Nope, no issues here. :P Hubby is a computer geek to the extreme--he has a degree in computer science--and he spends more time online than I do (at least at home). He plays WoW and other online games in which he talks with friends--he made sure that we had a router. Most of the time there aren't any issues--except when he's downloading something and I'm trying to watch something on Hulu and the connection slows down. :P

Anyway, I spend most of my time online at work--I know, bad, but the office has been really slow the last few months.
Deb Shucka said…
When I first started writing a few years ago, it severely cut into my hubby's computer time. So he bought me my own laptop and set us up with a wireless system so no more sharing or waiting turns. It's so nice being married to a tech guy! And a sweet generous one at that.
Jessica Nelson said…
Deb!!! That is SO very sweet of him. :-)

Dara....tsk, tsk. *wink*

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