What NOT to say to Your Agent...

even if it's hilarious.


Unknown said…
Great...now I want to watch this movie again! LOL

Oh, it's been so long since I've seen that movie! Hilarious. Very good.
Stephanie said…
LOL! I could never ever ever imagine myself saying this to an agent!!!!
Jennifer said…
Ha! I have a friend who I can just see doing that. But you're right--definitely something not to say to an agent, unless you're really, really good friends. :)
WAIT JUST A MINUTE!! You mean you're NOT supposed to say this? And not do the dance either? I love the dance.
Katie Ganshert said…
I love this movie! Everybody says my little guy looks like Ray - the kid from the movie. I think because of the glasses. :)
Mary E Campbell said…
Hahahaha - show me the money baby - that is what we really want to say, isn't it.
Pretty funny! I've never seen the movie. Maybe I should rent a copy.

Gwen Stewart said…
I love this movie, Jessica. Thanks for sharing! Have a great start to your week. :)
Diane said…
Too bad that's not all it takes to get booked. Do a little dance and yell to the agent show me the money! :O)
Angie Muresan said…
You could perhaps do it in a sweet way?

Send me your mailing address (I will delete the comment right away!!) as you are the winner of the $25.00 giveaway. Oh, and let me know whether you want it from Barnes and Nobles, Target, or Toys R Us.

Have a blessed week!
I'm still smiling!! :)

Very cute!
Tamika: said…
This is perfect! Would an agent hang up?!!!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Some of you are cracking me up!

Sandie, I'm pretty sure the dance is okay. It's just the shouting that might not go over well. :-P I totally was trying to do that dance and I tried to get my sons to do it too, but they're party poopers. LOL

Susan, just a warning. It's rated R and has a lot of language and sex stuff. The romance is great though. :-)

Thanks Angie! I'll stop by. :-)
Stephanie Faris said…
That was an awesome movie. It's all about power. That client had all the power because the agent was desperate. It's not just in sports either. Power and success corrupts...and some people really let it go to their heads.
anita said…
HILARIOUS Jessie! Thanks for the Monday smiles! ;-D

I know of a few authors that have just enough clout behind their name they could TOTALLY pull that off. HA!

Me, I have a hard enough time just getting a hold of my agent. I usually end up yelling: SHOW ME THE EMAIL ... to my computer. And there's not much happy dancing envolved. Snort!
anita said…
Heehee! Did you see how I spelled involved??? Yep. It's definitely a Monday. ;-P
Natalie said…
Ha, ha, ha! Love it.
Linda Kage said…
Thanks for the smiles, Jessica. Love it!
Tana said…
That's funny. BTW, I LOVE that picture on your website. *sigh* must create my own...
Julie Dao said…
HAHA!! Thanks for the laugh, Jessica :)
Patti Lacy said…
Unbelievable! Old lady me had never even heard of this movie.

Thanks for sharing.

Angie Muresan said…
Jessica, did you decide where you want the giftcard from or am I just not seeing it in your reply to me? Sorry to bug you, but hubby's heading to the post office this afternoon.
Sarah Forgrave said…
Too funny. Not sure I'll ever be powerful enough to get an agent to scream like that. :-)
denise petrovich said…
I love that movie!!! love Mom
Jaime Wright said…
Ahhhh yes ... good advice :) lol
Jaime Wright said…
on a side note: how DID Tom Cruise not BUST out laughing yelling like that? I totally would've had to have 30 retakes to get that scene right!! :)
Krista Phillips said…
lol! HILARIOUS! Um, yeah, wouldn't say that EVER to an agent! Except maybe as a spoof joke once they actually knew me well enough... LOL, but yeah, maybe not even then!
Jessica Nelson said…
You guys are making me laugh! Yes, this clip is AWesome, right? LOL

T. Anne, thank you. :-) My hubby took it but when I uploaded, the whole butterfly got cut off and all that was left was a wing, which kind of looked nice, I thought.
Deb Shucka said…
Thanks for the laugh! I'd forgotten how great this movie is. Tom Cruise as my agent. Hmmmm. Now there's an idea.

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