
I desperately want to visit your blogs but right now I'm buried with family stuff and trying to finish my stubborn WIP.
Thank you for stopping by and I feel horrible for missing out on your blog posts lately. Hopefully I can get back to the blogosphere soon!
In the meantime, here are some thanks to kind bloggers who've given me awards:

Thank You Danyelle!

Thank you Nancy!

Thank you to Steena at Chocolate Reality for the Sunshine Award!

I think it's time for another awards banquet! Have a happy weekend everyone.


Hurry back! Miss you! And get well!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Donna, how did you know I'm still hacking? LOL
Thanks, and I will be back soon as I finish this stinkin' wip. Grrrrrr!
Steena Holmes said…
Well get off this blog and get that WIP done woman ;) Hurry up will ya!
(and get better soon)
Project Journal said…
Awwww! Feel better soon, Jessica!

I bet that Sunshine Award helped you feel better, though. It's gorgeous!!
Karen Lange said…
Congrats on the awards! You deserve them.

Don't feel bad about being busy; such is life:) I can relate, have had extended family stuff like crazy lately, plus trying to get writing done, and keep up with everything else - no easy task and all my kids are grown! Have been thinking about an unplug week or two or three...
Don't stress:)
Happy weekend,
Hi Jess -

Congrats on the awards!

We miss you, but know it's sometimes necessary to take a break. Hope you feel better and gain strength.

Susan :)
anita said…
Oh YUM! That cupcake one is making me HUNGRY. ;-P Congrats on the awards, BQE.

You better stop with the sickiness, girlie. I guess I should've sent you a get well card today, too. Heehee.

Happy wordage!
Anonymous said…
This is totally off topic..but is that your ocean front condo at the bottom of the blog?
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Tina, it is. I e-mailed you too, though I'm not sure I used the right address. :-)

Thanks everyone else for your well-wishes! It's gonna be a close call on me finishing the WIP.
Deb Shucka said…
Congrats on your awards. Happy weekend to you as well.
I hope you're able to straighten the WIP out! Happy--productive--writing, Jessica!

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