How do you view people? I didn't have much interest in people as a kid. Once I discovered books (kindergarten, guys), the life within them seemed more real than the bustle around me. I cared for and liked people but I didn't really see them as interesting. Until I landed a job at my local newspaper. As a freelancer, my editor expected a story on a person every two weeks to grace our Neighbors section, and it needed to be interesting. The story was supposed to focus on a local resident's unique skill or talent. I was blind, not understanding, wondering how I could find these "special" people. My editor forever changed my perspective. He told me every person has something unique, something special about themselves, even if they don't know it. It was my job to find that slant and spotlight it. Now everyone I meet I'm full of curiosity about. Who are they? What's their story? Where have they been and where are they going? If you were a story, what g...
I always catch you and love that you post in the morning there. That is evening here and I have more time to comment :)
My goal.
Wow, Sherrinda...3!
~ Wendy
Sherrinda, I do the same thing. Four AM. It just seems good to get it out there nice and early! And trust me, I'm FORCED to be an early bird. :-)
LOL Sherrinda, why do we need to sleep anyway? What was God thinking? Heeheee
Yep, Sarah, you're a regular stop for me too because you're always in my dashboard. :-)
Because then i don't read blogs again until later in the afternoon or evening.
I check my blog in the morning and again at night so I don't miss any. But that's only because I procrastinate.
Melissa, schedules are good. Do you know how to use the posting option so that you can write your post whenever you want but schedule when it goes up?
Thanks for your sweet comment. I enjoy your posts too. There's always some intriguing bit about the past to read, or helpful craft stuff. :-)
Lately, I only post on my blog when I've made some progress in wordage on my WIP, because that's where my word widget is.
My poor cobwebby blog. Sigh...
I do think the scheduling matters, but only to a point. I read some blog posts no matter what time of day they appear, and I try to get through all the blogs I read by the end of the day.
Donna, I agree, blog reading is very fun!
Erica, I'm in awe of those who write their posts out ahead of time. Sometimes I do, most of the time I don't.
Anita! You always crack me up. :)
How's your new job going?
But I've noticed, too, that on the rare occasions I post something in the evening, different people respond.
I usually schedule my regular Monday and Thursday posts to post just after midnight that day. That blogger feature is quite handy. In between posts are often posted whenever I have time.
I do know, I find all sorts of goodies waiting for me when I log on with morning coffee. :)
I've been posting the afternoon before just to give myself a little lead time. And I LOVE it.
You go, girl!
You know I'm the early bird. Almost every post is scheduled for 12:01 AM Eastern time.
I'm so grateful for that scheduling feature. It has saved my sanity more than once.
Susan :)
Be on the lookout, Jess, I'm {seriously} almost ready to post the awards banquet. If I'm lucky it'll be this week, but between last day of school tomorrow and other graduation things, it's difficult!
Sorry I missed your post on my blog...I've not looked for comments for the last few days, and I feel TERRIBLE!
I live in Live Oak.
Sorry I haven't gotten back, thanks for commenting :)
I'm still happy for anyone who stops by. :D
But I am like you, scheduling my posts for the morning. To be honest, though, my choice in doing that was more to satisfy my anal tendencies than because of much deep strategic thought. LOL!
Karen, you? Anal? I don't believe it. *grin*
Nancy, is it really fair to expect a writer to be organized? Kind of flies in the face of stereotype, right? :-)
Kelly, don't feel bad!! :-) I didn't remember to even check back until the next day, so it's no biggie. I've never heard of your town. Guess that means we're not close...
T. Anne, I have no clue! I like the early posts because I see them, but sometimes I get on in the afternoons or night (like now) so I see them too. I guess you just need to do what works best for you. :-)
Hannah, I need to hold a banquet too. So many great awards for so many wonderful bloggers. ;-)
Susan, totally agree. The scheduler is awesome.
That's true, Jody. There are bloggers who I know have posted and I can go right to their page. Summer is great. I'm sleeping past seven every day! :-) How's yours?
Cindy, I've noticed that Monday is a hot day too. I think your time probably works, though I end up missing yours because I'm usually off by eight. But I get back on again later, 'cause I'm addicted. :-)
Karen, I didn't realize you do M and Th. How does that work for you?
Patti N, you must stay up late!! Wow. :-)
Glynis, I think it's so cool you live in Cyprus! I've never thought to ask, but do you speak Greek?
I usually post in late morning, after the house is clean, or on Fridays, as soon as I can get to it.
I wish I was 20years old, then my brain would retain it all!