A Winner! and I'm Out and About

First, Congrats to Lisa Jordan! My two year old drew your name so e-mail me with your address and I'll get Tailor-Made Bride out to you. :-)

I'm running around this week doing all sorts of things so I'm taking a week off of blogging. I hope wonderful things happen for all you this week and I'll see you next Monday!


Kelly Freestone said…
Have a safe week, Jessica!
God bless.
Lydia Kang said…
Enjoy your week off!
Jennifer Shirk said…
Wanted to pop in see how your summer was going. Enjoy your time away from the Internet. :)
Enjoy your week off! :)
ali cross said…
Enjoy your week! ♥
Karen Lange said…
Congrats to Lisa! Have a good week off:)
Stephanie Faris said…
Congrats, Lisa...and getting your daughter to do the drawing is a great idea!
Genny said…
How cute that your two-year-old drew the name. Love it!

Have a wonderful week, Jessica! Hope the writing is going well.

Congrats, Lisa!

Have a great week, Jess.

Susan :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks everyone! I hope your week goes well too. :-)
Tabitha Bird said…
Congrats to the winner, and enjoy your break :)
Linda Glaz said…
Enjoy your work, Jess. I'm going to be committing murder on the pages of the new story so I can stop feeling over the kids leaving. hehehe
What a way to feel better. hehe
Linda Kage said…
Congrats to Lisa! And enjoy your week off, Jessica. When you return, you can visit my post and see the award I gave you.

Thanks for your helpful posts!
Congrats to Lisa! Happy reading.

And happy week off to you, Jess.
Nancy said…
Jessica - have a great week off. Hope you have some nice surprises along the way.
Deb Shucka said…
Have a great week. I hope it has a summer feel to it.
Congrats to your winner!! Hope you are having a nice week!!
Jill Kemerer said…
Oooh, have fun running around! And congrats to Lisa!
Tana said…
Congrats Lisa! It looks like I'm going to have to buy my copy, perhaps today at Sams? Have a great fourth Jessica!
Robyn Campbell said…
Are you a chicken with your head cut off? *grin*

I'll come back Monday. Happy Fourth.

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