My day will be filled with caring for four little cuties. Today we will make Father's day cards and read stories about dads. Once they go home, I'll be elbow-deep in painting my kitchen. No, the elbow-deep is not an expression...I'm a messy painter who gets it everywhere. :0
Don't worry, Jessica. It is an evolving career you have. Just wait until you start landing contracts. You'll be putting 'do not disturb' signs on your door. I have one that says 'Quiet Please'. You'll be working late into the wee hours of night when the kids are asleep and the house is quiet. You'll be turning off the ringer on your phone and turning off your cell in order to meet those looming deadlines. It's all wonderful. Really it is!
Starbucks? I can't see how anyone can write in Starbucks. Too many distractions.
My day started at 5:30, when I ooched out of bed aided by a cup of Starbuck's my DH had brewed. I spent some time reading the Word and praying, then slapped some paint on the barn, threw lunch in my work bag, and dashed to my paying job.
I always blog half an hour before clocking in. I spend the next 8 hours answering questions about ink cartridges and file cabinets, trying to find pen refills for people who forgot to bring the pen with them, and explaining why we can't get wheels for a chair that was made forty years ago.
After this excitement, I'll go home and walk with my DH, learn the VBS songs for next week, eat supper, then relax a bit. I usually spend an hour or two writing after supper, but Fridays I take a break and veg. work is a tea party compared to cleaning and kids. I admire you who do that all day--wears me out to even imagine it!
Love you, Jen
Anonymous said…
I'll be off to my work office for a meeting than a lunch meeting to discuss computers, and then a client meeting to show a dentist a camera. But all this will only happen if the car shop gets my rotars fixed and oil changed in time. So, I'll be paying a big car bill too today! Have a sunshine day!
LOL Rita!!! I love your comment. I can't wait....:-)
Oh man, Jeanette, that is BUSY. Sounds like you have it worked out though. I think it's sweet you and your husband go on walks together. Doing what I do is only wearing, imo, when they fight. :-)
Lynn, I hope your car gets fixed! That's always a pain.
anita said…
HA! That must be what it's like to be a writer BEFORE a family comes along. I can totally envision myself being like that if I'd started writing when I was younger. Snirt.
Thank God for giving me a family first. Kept me prioritized and grounded in the real world. I do have to admit, though. I usually manage to get in 6-8 hours of writing a day. From 9:30-11:30 in the a.m., then 2-4 in the afternoon. Then the other four hours are usually from 8p.m. until midnight ... or if I'm REALLY on a roll I'll stay up til one or two and take a good nap the next day. All of the hours in between are spent doing daily house chores (laundry, cooking, straightening) and spending time with the family / kiddos. I'm lucky my kids are 14 and 17, so they're pretty self-sufficient during the writing hours.
Of course, that schedule applies to days at home when I don't have any family or "kid" stuff going on outside of the house (doctor's appts, activities, sports). I'm very blessed that I have a lot of time for writing. ;-)
Her day is my dream day. Mostly though, they're filled with cleaning and children. I'm trying to find the balance.
But I'm also enjoying this summer, because it's the last before both my kids go to school full-time (a day I've longed for!) -- and then I'll have full days like the one above. I hope. :)
Hey, that's funny--that's usually how I do my "research" too :)
Today, I am catching up on blogs, writing and spending some time with my sister-in-law. Can you believe it? Almost a whole day away from the kids? They're at my MIL's house. Woo hoo!
Cute video. It doesn't look much like my writing life, but I wouldn't trade my little two-year-old distraction for anything. Right now, I'm sharing half the computer screen with, and someone is leaning on me providing commentary on the video he's watching. Talk about multi-tasking!
It's been a catch up day. My kids are camping (can you see my huge smile??), and I dropped stuff off at Goodwill, bought flowers for our porch, got pictures developed, and *gasp* entered our expenses in a budget worksheet. It's been an awesome day!
My day already included a walk with a friend, a visit to my daughter in law's yard sale, and laundry. Next comes article revisions. Exciting huh? :) Have a blessed weekend, Karen
Love all your comments! Katie, no plans. I'm watching my sister's adorable kids, so I've been absent from blogland and poor hubby has been working all day. Do you have plans?
Julie, I don't know how you can work with only half a screen! That's dedication. :-)
I came across your blog and noticed that you write inspirational romance? So are your books along the same lines as Francine Rivers? My wife loves Christian books. Do you have any published yet?
Hilarious Jess, why didn't we know that sooner? We'd be multi-pubbed by now, wouldn't we? How do I research suspense? Go into the middle of Detroit with dollar bills hanging out of my pockets? Oops, no, that would be researching murder!!! Cute video...
Dean, thanks for stopping by! I'm not pubbed. I'll head over to your place to answer your questions, but I'd be completely tickled if my books came even close to the amazing F Rivers! ;-)
Linda, I know, right! LOL You're too funny....
Hi TWS, thanks for stopping by! Sounds like a busy day for you. :-)
I sold to Love Inspired Historical !!! Here's how it happened: " You should write a book. You'd make more money doing that." In 2006 my editor at the newspaper I freelanced for told me this. In that moment, a lightbulb went off in my head. Write for money? Sure, I'd written stories all my life, but to actually write a book and be paid for it was a concept that had never occurred to me. That same year, I started a historical romance. Why historical? Because Love Inspired was launching a historical line in 2007 and I was aiming for that. I also love reading historical romances. "The characters should be talking by now." So said agent Steve Laube at my first writer's conference in 2007. He'd gotten to page 7 and my heroine was still thinking of backstory. I made every newbie mistake with that first manuscript. So I read articles and did my best to make the manuscript shine. Then I submitted it to agents. Form rejections. I decided to submi...
How do you view people? I didn't have much interest in people as a kid. Once I discovered books (kindergarten, guys), the life within them seemed more real than the bustle around me. I cared for and liked people but I didn't really see them as interesting. Until I landed a job at my local newspaper. As a freelancer, my editor expected a story on a person every two weeks to grace our Neighbors section, and it needed to be interesting. The story was supposed to focus on a local resident's unique skill or talent. I was blind, not understanding, wondering how I could find these "special" people. My editor forever changed my perspective. He told me every person has something unique, something special about themselves, even if they don't know it. It was my job to find that slant and spotlight it. Now everyone I meet I'm full of curiosity about. Who are they? What's their story? Where have they been and where are they going? If you were a story, what g...
*grossness alert* We all have to learn to deal with doo-doo eventually. Consider me a newbie mom, but it never occurred to me that my son should be wiping himself until about a month before kindergarten. And then the flashbulb went on and I scrambled to teach him. One problem. He didn't want to. He's fastidious and doesn't like to make mistakes, so the thought of taking care of this daily chore literally reduced him to screaming and crying on the toilet. Basically, he didn't trust himself. He was afraid. Scared to get his hands dirty. Afraid he'd miss something. This is probably weird, but it made me think of us as writers. There comes a point where we have to "grow up" and trust ourselves. We can't always rely on a crit group, agent, or editor to wipe up our mess. I think this should be a part of maturation for every writer, that we can look at our work and be confident in our ability to clean it up. Not saying we'll make it perfect or that we won...
Finally I don't have to go anywhere today and I might be able to devote more time to writing. Ah.
~ Wendy
Starbucks? I can't see how anyone can write in Starbucks. Too many distractions.
My day started at 5:30, when I ooched out of bed aided by a cup of Starbuck's my DH had brewed. I spent some time reading the Word and praying, then slapped some paint on the barn, threw lunch in my work bag, and dashed to my paying job.
I always blog half an hour before clocking in. I spend the next 8 hours answering questions about ink cartridges and file cabinets, trying to find pen refills for people who forgot to bring the pen with them, and explaining why we can't get wheels for a chair that was made forty years ago.
After this excitement, I'll go home and walk with my DH, learn the VBS songs for next week, eat supper, then relax a bit. I usually spend an hour or two writing after supper, but Fridays I take a break and veg. work is a tea party compared to cleaning and kids. I admire you who do that all day--wears me out to even imagine it!
Love you,
Have a sunshine day!
Wendy, sounds like a great day! I hope you get a lot accomplished.
:-) Have you heard anything from that contest you finaled in yet?
Linda, I thought that was hilarious too!
Oh man, Jeanette, that is BUSY. Sounds like you have it worked out though. I think it's sweet you and your husband go on walks together. Doing what I do is only wearing, imo, when they fight. :-)
Lynn, I hope your car gets fixed! That's always a pain.
Thank God for giving me a family first. Kept me prioritized and grounded in the real world. I do have to admit, though. I usually manage to get in 6-8 hours of writing a day. From 9:30-11:30 in the a.m., then 2-4 in the afternoon. Then the other four hours are usually from 8p.m. until midnight ... or if I'm REALLY on a roll I'll stay up til one or two and take a good nap the next day. All of the hours in between are spent doing daily house chores (laundry, cooking, straightening) and spending time with the family / kiddos. I'm lucky my kids are 14 and 17, so they're pretty self-sufficient during the writing hours.
Of course, that schedule applies to days at home when I don't have any family or "kid" stuff going on outside of the house (doctor's appts, activities, sports). I'm very blessed that I have a lot of time for writing. ;-)
Well, today, I am, LORD WILLING, hammering out a second chapter to add to the first chapter so dear agent can check out my new twist.
Have a great weekend!
I have to blog and get some picture reprints at Meijers, get a haircut, possibly do missions minutes, and watch my daughter try on her veil. Busy day.
Her day is my dream day. Mostly though, they're filled with cleaning and children. I'm trying to find the balance.
But I'm also enjoying this summer, because it's the last before both my kids go to school full-time (a day I've longed for!) -- and then I'll have full days like the one above. I hope. :)
Today, I am catching up on blogs, writing and spending some time with my sister-in-law. Can you believe it? Almost a whole day away from the kids? They're at my MIL's house. Woo hoo!
Have a blessed weekend,
7pm sharp I will be marching last check of the blogs then off to the high school
: )
My day is filled with homework and prepping for exams. Yuck.
My day was filled with prayer and waiting.
This morning, I started off with gardening, checking email, Swagbucks, blogging, and cleaning my kitchen.
I'm stuck at home because my neighbor is replacing my porch deck. When someone's working on my house, I like to be around.
Susan :)
Hope you're having a great weekend! Any fun plans for Father's Day tomorrow?
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My day will be getting the final edits done on the Sweetie novel - need to get it to publishers before months end --eek
Katie, no plans. I'm watching my sister's adorable kids, so I've been absent from blogland and poor hubby has been working all day. Do you have plans?
Julie, I don't know how you can work with only half a screen! That's dedication. :-)
How do I research suspense? Go into the middle of Detroit with dollar bills hanging out of my pockets? Oops, no, that would be researching murder!!! Cute video...
Linda, I know, right! LOL You're too funny....
Hi TWS, thanks for stopping by! Sounds like a busy day for you. :-)