The Path to Publication

I'm at work all day today but wanted to give Loretta Boyett a shout-out. She graciously invited me to guest post on her blog this week. If you're interested in hearing a more detailed account of the events leading up to The Call, you can read about it HERE.

Hope you all have an awesome weekend!


Have a great weekend! Heading over now!
Katie Ganshert said…
I went over there yesterday and saw you! How fun!
Kara said…
Have a great weekend! I'll go check it out:)
Linda Kage said…
Just headed over. Great interview.
Nice, Jessica! I left a comment.
Loree Huebner said…
Will check it out. Have a great weekend.
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Cool! I will head over now ;)
Amy Sullivan said…
First time here, I'll head on over and take a peek.
Nancy said…
I think it is interesting that you submitted to the same house twice. I have always heard that you could do that but was afraid to try.

You are truly on the way now. Congratulations.
Jessica Nelson said…
Nancy, you can definitely do that. :-) There needs to be some kind of change in the story though, something that tells them that they're getting something different (or better) this time around. Plus, it was 3 years later.
Deb Shucka said…
It's so wonderful to watch you enjoy the fruits of your labors as you guest and get ready for your book to be published. I'll love getting to say I knew you when.
Brandi Boddie said…
Hey, Jessica! Just wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Tell Me About Yourself Blog Award. I'll be posting about it tomorrow. Have a great day!
Julie Dao said…
Hope you had a great weekend, Jessica! Checking out your guest post now :)

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