Welcome Debut Author Lisa Jordan!

Lakeside Reunion: Bed-and-breakfast owner Lindsey Porter prays she won’t run into Stephen Chase when she returns to Shelby Lake. Five years ago, the cop jilted her to marry another woman, and Lindsey fled town. But no sooner does she hit city limits than Stephen pulls her over for a broken taillight. Despite the past, he’s still able to stir up Lindsey’s old feelings for him. Now a widower and single dad, Stephen recognizes a second chance when he sees one. And he’ll do anything to make Lindsey trust in God and take a risk for love—again. Read an excerpt of Lakeside Reunion

Today I'd like to welcome debut Love Inspired author Lisa Jordan! Below is a short interview with this lovely author.

Why did you choose to be a writer?
When I was 16, I read The Promise by Danielle Steele. The happily ever after ending made my heart sigh. At that moment, I knew I wanted to create the same heart-sighing promise of hope and happily ever after for my readers.

Where is the worst place you've ever been stuck waiting?
A local regional airport for 15 hours!! I was flying to Florida in February 2009 for a My Book Therapy retreat. The airport is on a hilltop, and at that elevation, it was snowing so hard the runway was too icy for planes to land. My flight kept getting delayed. Finally, via cell phone, Hubby convinced me to talk sternly to them to drive me to a larger airport and pay for my flights to Florida. I had arrived at 5:00 a.m. for my original flight and finally left at 9:00 p.m. to be driven to another airport. The small regional airport lacked vending machines or a restaurant.

What is the most common compliment people give you?
I don’t look my age. Many people can’t believe I have an 18-year-old and a 21-year-old.

What’s one thing you would rather pay someone to do than do yourself?
Grocery shop and cook my meals. I used to love to cook, but now I’d rather spend that time writing.

What do you think is the secret to a happy marriage?
Shared faith, unconditional love, an abundance of grace, communication, supporting one another, and saying “I’m sorry.”

I’m holding a scavenger hunt to promote my Lakeside Reunion release. Plus, blog commenters on my blog hop will be put in a drawing for fun prizes—breakfast basket, Love Inspired Authors basket, autographed copies of Lakeside Reunion. Visit my Lakeside Reunion Contest page for more information.

The token for this blog is a squirrel.

Bio: Heart, home and faith have always been important to Lisa Jordan, so writing stories that feature both comes naturally to her. She has been writing contemporary Christian romance for more than a decade. Her debut novel, Lakeside Reunion, will be released in November by Love Inspired, followed by her second novel, Lakeside Family, in August 2012 by Love Inspired. Happily married for twenty-two years, Lisa and her husband have two young adult sons. When she isn’t writing or caring for children in her in-home childcare business, Lisa enjoys family time, romantic comedies, good books, crafting with friends and feeding her NCIS addiction. Visit her at www.lisajordanbooks.com to learn more about her writing.


Keli Gwyn said…
I'd hire a cook in a heartbeat. I'm sooo not a foodie. I'd much prefer writing. =)
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations on your first book, Lisa.
Diane said…
Congrats Lisa and yup you do look young. Yeah for good genes!!! :O)
Julie Dao said…
How beautiful! This sounds like such a hopeful, romantic story. Thanks for sharing, Jessica, and congrats to Lisa on her debut!
Loree Huebner said…
Congrats on your book, Lisa. I've already put it on my TBR list.

Thanks Jessica!
Jessica Nelson said…
Me too, Keli!

Thanks for popping by, Warren. :-)

Diane, I briefly met her at the conference and she does look young, so I'm not surprised people say that.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Julie! It was a sweet read with some nice writing.

Hey Loree! Hope you enjoy it.
Julie and Jessie, lovely interview!

And Julie is a lady after my own heart. Down with grocery shopping! Hee.
Sarah Forgrave said…
I agree with the age thing, Lisa. I'd love to know your looking-young secrets! :)
Linda Glaz said…
Good genes, is right. Errghghh, they tried to give me sr. discount when i wasn't even 50, another big erggghhh! Congrats, Lisa.
Terri Tiffany said…
So happy for Lisa! I can't believe the airport nightmare! Wow! I am glad she got out of there!
Nancy said…
Even without the shopping, Lisa is a person who gets a lot done. Her book sounds so good. I'm happy she was able to get it published, with all of her other activities. Good job, Lisa.
Robyn Campbell said…
Lisa, you dooooooo look young. Excellent genes,I'd say. :-) Your book sounds awesome. Great job!

Jess, thanks for telling me about Lisa's book. Going to buy it for sure. Happy Thanksgiving. :-)
Karen Lange said…
Just "liked" Lisa on Facebook, as a matter of fact. It's good to get to know her. Thanks for the info, Jessica.

Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Patti said…
Loved her answers to what makes a good marriage.
Jennifer Shirk said…
Congrats!! And totally agree on your secret to a happy marriage too. :-)
Congrats, Lisa! Yes, you do look about 21 yourself. That's not fair!!!!

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