When Thanksgiving Doesn't Feel Right

Last weekend I was involved in a horrific accident. I walked away physically unscathed. The other person did not. Right now a young man is in ICU in serious condition.

I'm very thankful for my family, my friends, my health, but I can't help but wonder how this young man's family is feeling this Thanksgiving.

If you would, please pray for my emotions and for this young man (Larry), that he'd fully recover.

For those of you on a mountain peak, may your Thanksgiving be wonderful and merry and full of good food. And to those of you in the valley right now, I feel you and hope you'll see a sunny spot where you can rest awhile. Perhaps finding a blessing to hold close until your journey brings you back to the mountain top.

Where are you right now? Have you ever been in a dark spot on a holiday? How did you end up leaving that place?

Happy Thanksgiving!


Melissa Jagears said…
prayers for you and Larry. And yes, Christmas and my wedding anniversary two years ago were terrible--the only answer I have is time and not chastising yourself for not feeling in the mood to celebrate. Others can celebrate and they should, but you don't have to be a fake.
Sandra Orchard said…
Praying for you and Larry and his family, Jessica. So saddened to hear of this.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Melissa and Sandra.
Katie Ganshert said…
Oh Jessica! I'm so glad you're okay, but I can only imagine how shaken up you are. I will pray for healing for Larry and comfort for you and his family. In fact, I'm praying right now.
Stina said…
This bought tears to my eyes. I'm sure his family is just thankful he's still alive.

I pray for healing of both of you. Physicially you might be unscathed. But you definitely aren't emotionally unscathed. *hugs*
Joanne said…
I'm sorry to hear this, and hope that Larry recovers soon with the help of the strength of those around him.

Wishing you much peace this holiday weekend.
Terri Tiffany said…
I'm so sorry you went through this and will pray for Larry and his family! A situation like that can shake you and stay with you. But God will use it!

I am trying not to think about the holiday--just getting through it. I miss my daughter:(
Heather Sunseri said…
I'm so sorry, Jessica, about the accident. Just said a prayer for you, and for Larry and his family!

Hang in there, girl. Sending hugs.
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll pray for you and for Larry.
I will be praying, Jessica. So sorry to hear about this. On Memorial Day this year, our very best friends lost their son in a tragic car accident. We were with them when the police called. Devastating.

Their family is in my prayers.
Stacy Henrie said…
So sorry you went through something so tough. We lost a baby at 20 weeks gestation in December a few years ago - that was really hard. But relying on the Lord pulled us through - that and remembering it's normal to grieve and the length of time is different for every person.
Jessica, how dreadful for you. I give thanks you are alive and well. My thoughts are with the young man and his family.

Hugs X
Keli Gwyn said…
Oh, Jessie, my heart goes out to you. What a horrible experience to go through. I'm thankful you're OK physically but understand the emotional upheaval such a tragedy can bring about. I've lifted you, Larry, his family, and his medical team in prayer.

My hardest holiday was Christmas 1989. I lost our first child in early December that year and was in a bad place. Others were celebrating the birth of our Savior while I was grieving the loss of our unborn child. A year later I was huge pregnant with our daughter at Christmas. She was born on 1/1/91, two weeks past her due date. Life is full of sorrows, but there are joys untold as well. May you experience many of them in the year ahead, Jessie.
Loree Huebner said…
I'm sending up prayers for Larry now.

So sorry to hear of this accident. I thank God you're okay. I'm keeping you in my prayers also.
Brandi Boddie said…
Sorry to hear about the accident, Jessica. I'm glad that God protected you and the young man. Prayers for you both.
V said…
Will be praying for Larry. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Jessica!
Linda Kage said…
Oh, that's awful, Jessica. We'll be praying for you and Larry.

One of my grandmothers died on a Christmas day but I was too young to remember it. I hope your family is there for you during this low time.
Patti said…
So glad your okay. Hopefully the man in ICU will pull through.
Jessica Nelson said…
I have a lovely family who have always been supportive and kind, so that's the blessing in this. Thank you all for your prayers!!!

Keli and Stacy, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine how painful that must've been.
Gwen Stewart said…
Jessica, I'm so sorry for your accident and for Larry, yet grateful that you are well. I'm in a bit of a dip now; nothing terrible, just waiting for direction. Wherever we go, though, I know God walks with us. That is a great comfort.

May He comfort you and please know that I am praying for Larry.

God bless.
Anonymous said…
That's awful, I'm glad you're ok though. I hope Larry will be too.
Mary Curry said…
I'm so sorry to read this. What a relief that you escaped physical injury, though I know the mental anguish can be as bad or worse.
I will be praying for your peace of mind and for Larry's recovery.

As someone said above, I imagine they're grateful this holiday. My husband was seriously injured in a work accident a number of years ago. I was so grateful he survived that nothing else really even crossed my mind.

Also, my dad passed away 5 days before Christmas in 2002. That holiday is kind of a mental blur. The best thing to keep in mind is that you will come through this. You won't be in the deepest valley forever and the sun is shining just out of sight.
Jessica Nelson said…
Gwen, so true about God walking with us and comforting us. Thank you for stopping by.

Me too, Em.

Yes, very true Mary. I can't imagine a Christmas like what you faced. I'm glad your husband survived! That would be incredibly frightening. Thank you for sharing.
Carol McNiff said…
I am so sorry, I enjoy your blog each week. You inspire me. Sending positive energy your way.
Faith Pray said…
I went through a very sad Christmas eight years ago, being told I wouldn't be able to have children. Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I parts of me were celebrating the holiday, but my other parts were very sad. I'm so sorry about your ordeal. I will pray for Larry, his family, and for you.
Nancy said…
What a horrible experience. I'm glad you are physically all right. Prayers to you and Larry. In this time of Thanksgiving, you can focus on God's faithfulness. He will see you through.
Praying for you and Larry, Jessica.

It's hard to see sometimes how God will use a situation like this and how it will work for our good, but IT WILL!!!

Hugs and Love to you and your family, Jessica.
Jaime Wright said…
mmmmm, hugs! :( Not fun, but hoping things are looking up and healing is coming to Larry!!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you Carol!!

I hope so too, Jaime.

Cheryl, I'm hoping it works out for good too, for everyone.

Thank you Nancy! I really do believe that.

Faith, I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing about it. *hugs*
Janet, said…
I am so sorry about your accident, I pray that the young man recovers completely. I find when something is bothering me if I go in prayer and, as the song says, place my troubles at Jesus' feet, he will take care of it.
Oh, Jessie! I didn't know you'd blogged about this or I would've commented! I'm still praying for you and Larry/his family. You are a strong Christian woman. The Lord will find a way to work in you through this.
Angie Muresan said…
Oh Jessica... I am so sorry. I'm glad to hear you are okay. But I will pray for you to get peace and I will pray for Larry to recover and his family to be strong. God be with you all.
Warren Baldwin said…
Sorry to hear about this. Will be praying for him and you and your family.
Linda Glaz said…
Keeping him in prayer, Jess, and you, too.
Oh, Jess, I'm sad to hear about this accident. It doesn't seem right for bad things to happen on holidays, but they inevitably do.

How is Larry doing?

First of all let me say thanks for you coming by my blog and commenting. I am so glad to see new faces! I was intrigued by your blogs and chose this one to comment on becuase I know you are going through a very stressful, emotional time and I want you to know that I will be praying for you and for Larry and his family after reading this! Life is not meant to be easy, and all we can do is have faith in God to see us through the difficulties. Perhaps God will speak to Larry and his family through this accident.

My family is ENORMOUSLY blessed. But, we also went through years of unemployment, depression and homelessness. Still, I always knew our blessings far outweighed the bad, and was so grateful. That doesn't mean it wasn't hard; just that God was always THERE. I am very grateful today that not only do we still have those blessings, we have the added ones of a home and a new financial stability, plus the opportunity to be with our kids each week. He is truly good!

I also am a writer, and was happy to see that you are as well. I had a dear and precious friend who wrote romances years ago. I lost her to stomach cancer, and miss her a lot. I have been published in magazines and arts papers, and am writing a book. I will be back to visit you again. In the meantime, God bless you and yours! Have a wonderful Christmas! And if you ever get to Tucson perhaps we can take you up the mountain on that back road and let your boys roam and explore with our grandson. Take care!

Jessica Nelson said…
Susan, I don't know. Hoping no news is good news...

Hi Marie, thank you for the sweet comment. :-) I enjoy meeting up with other writers too. :-) Merry Christmas!
Kara said…
Just now catching up! I'm so sorry abou the accident. I'm praying everything is okay with the young man now. And for your healing, emotional healing can be just as tough as physical healing.

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