For Realz, It Could Happen To You

You can get published.

It can really happen.

Wherever you are right now, you need to know it's possible and that for those who are persistent, who hone their craft and choose to write the best story they can, your odds of getting published dramatically increase.

Next month, I'm going to interview a debut author every week. This month, I know of at least two debut authors whose first books have recently released.

Eva Maria Hamilton with her inspy historical romance, Highland Hearts
Tori Chase with her romantic suspense Serial Games

Do you think it could happen to you? Do you have a game plan? Do you know any debut authors this month, and who are they?


Sandra Orchard said…
Yeah, Eva! I'll have to look up Tori. I love rom susp!!
What a great idea, Jessica! I'm looking forward to reading about them. I enjoy reading debut novels. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Sandra, I do too and I think hers looks very interesting!

Jessica, I do too. Just knowing how hard it is and how long it can hat's off to debut authors everywhere. :-)
Terri Tiffany said…
Thanks for the encouragement Jessica!Looking forward to reading their stories.
Katie Ganshert said…
Exciting times, Jessica!
Lindsay Harrel said…
Thanks for the encouragement. I think it's definitely overwhelming when you think about how many different people are trying to get published, but we just have to take it one step at a time...
Believing it! Hey, I think I sat at Tori's lunch table at ACFW on Sat.

Looking forward to these!
~ Wendy
Linda Kage said…
Lookin' forward to it! Great topic too!
Stacy Henrie said…
So true! :) Can't wait to see these interviews.
Unknown said…
Fun! I love hearing about debut authors.
Jessica Nelson said…
Yeah, I think it will be a cool encouragement.

Wendy, Tori was there! I never really got to talk to her much (and I was such a sickie) but she seemed really nice.
You are so encouraging, and I agreee that it could happen, if you work and pray.

I know of another debut author...
Loree Huebner said…
Love the encouragement! You are so sweet and full of inspiration!

I love hearing about debut authors, and it's such a great way for writers to mingle. I look forward to your posts.

I'm so excited that your book is next on my list to read!! I may have to do an interview...
Patti said…
Here's hoping. Looking forward to reading your interviews.
Sarah Forgrave said…
I truly believe it will happen for me someday. The bigger question is how long it will take, lol.
Hi Jess -

Not giving up is a key component in succeeding. I liked your line, "...those who are persisitent, who hone their craft and choose to write the best story they can, your odds of getting published dramatically increase."

Susan :)
Good for you, Jessica! So glad you're posting and helping all those debut authors.

BTW, you'll be on my blog on April 9!!! Congrats to you, Jessica, for your delightful debut novel!!
Julie Dao said…
I needed to hear this! Thanks for the positive vibes, Jessica :) I think if I keep working really hard and do my best, something good will come of it. Whether that something good is getting published... or something else... remains to be seen!
Sounds like a fun series! Looking forward to it!
Traci Kenworth said…
I hope so. Yes, I know a debut author this month: Rebekah L. Purdy who wrote The Fairy Godmother Files: The Cinderella Complex.
Per Traci's comment above: Rebekah L. Purdy is a lovely authoress! I twitter w/her a lot. :)

And Jessie, such an inspirational post! You and I are both living proof that if you stick w/it, it can and will happen. And your book birthday is in just a few days! SQUEEEEE!
Nancy said…
What an exciting month we have in store for us. I can't wait.
Anonymous said…
Good, encouraging word!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks everyone! I know I love to hear how other authors "made it" so I'm looking forward to the posts too.
Congratulations to all who find agents, and become published.

I am self publishing in May. Well, that is my plan!
Diane said…
Super congrats to you and the other authors getting published!!! :O)
Lauren F. Boyd said…
Thanks for the encouragement, Jessica! And I'm SO excited about the release of your debut novel as well! Keep up the good work!

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