A Sweet Romance

I just finished Brenda Coulter's new book, At His Command. What a sweet romance! The characters were immediately likeable and sympathetic. And though there are some painful moments in the book, Brenda balances them with a nice dose of humor. This is the first book of hers I've read and I really liked it. Not only was the characterization great (I could practically hear the Texas twangs) but she used lovely metaphors and her writing style is active and smooth. Plus, the first kiss . . . Actually, I think it was the second, but let's just say the first REAL kiss was great! I loved that scene.

So, although this was the first book of hers I've read, it most definitely won't be the last. Nice job, Brenda, in creating a heart-stirring read!

At His Command will be available in stores August 26.
If you'd like to learn more about Brenda you can visit her blog, No Rules. Just write.

If you don't like to shop online (like me, lol) you should be able to find this book in Wal-Mart. Otherwise, you can Order it now from Amazon.com


Well, I was just skimming through Brenda's website and found her very cool diary of what to expect after getting the call. Check it out!


Sarah said…
Great review!

I read the diary and sighed. Someday!
Anonymous said…
Nice job on the write-up, Jessica! Can't wait until you can review mine some day, and I can review yours. :-)

The links were great. Brenda sounds like an amazingly talented and driven author. I'll have to pick up some of her books. I think I might want to read her first one, it sounds really good.
Brenda Coulter said…
Jessica, thanks so much for blogging about my book and linking to my website. You're a peach!

Tina and Sarah, thank you for checking out my website. Hope you found a little encouragement there.

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