Freedom: What a Lovely Word

I love saying it, knowing I have it in so many different ways.

And I'm so thankful I live in America.

The government won't shut down my internet if I say my opinion. They can't throw me in jail for writing a book about Jesus. We can write the stories we want! I bet there's countries where the citizens can't do that. They can't even say what they think without fear of government reprisal. Can't choose their religion, the size of their family or the job they work.

Hopefully I get to see some fireworks today, a reminder of the war fought for this independence. This lovely freedom to choose, a freedom that God gave all of us.

I like the fourth of July. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


MeganRebekah said…
Great thoughts! Happy 4th!
You have a very thankful heart today, Jessica!

May you have a great weekend of celebrating Freedom!
I've said that if I ever got a tattoo, it would be the word Freedom in Hebrew. Gal. 5:1 is my life verse. "It is for freedom Christ has set us free!" Yes, the freedom we have in this country is a wonderful gift, but oh...the gift that Christ gives us is so much more! Let FREEDOM ring!
Jennifer Shirk said…
YES!!!!!!!! I love our country and God, too!
denise petrovich said…
Great thought Jessica. Our God has given us a freedom no gov't can take away although they would love you to believe you have no freedoms (some govt's and maybe ours one day ). Thank God for his liberty given to us thru Christ Jesus. Love you and have a great day. Love Mom
denise petrovich said…
Great thought Jessica. Our God has given us a freedom no gov't can take away although they would love you to believe you have no freedoms (some govt's and maybe ours one day ). Thank God for his liberty given to us thru Christ Jesus. Love you and have a great day. Love Mom
Terri Tiffany said…
I hope you get to see those fireworks--looks like our weather is going to cooperate:)
Danyelle L. said…
Amen! America is a wonderful place to be. :D
Katie Salidas said…
Wonderful thoughts. Happy 4th!
Angie Ledbetter said…
Great 4th to ya, and amen! on your words today.
Hope your fourth was splendid. Freedoms such as they are should never be taken for granted.
Hope you had a wonderful day!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a lovely day! And a great weekend. :-) Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Jess -

I'm thankful to the Lord for our freedom, and do all I can to be a good steward of what He's given us.

We went to a BBQ and celebrated our nation's birthday. Hope you enjoyed your day.

Susan :)
Thanks for reminding us of these freedoms we take for granted. EVERYONE I know who has visited a foreign nation, says how thankful they are to be Americans.

I pray we can keep the freedoms God gave us.

Jessie Oliveros said…
I agree! Yea for a country where we can openly speak with others about our beliefs. Happy Independence Day.
Katie Ganshert said…
I hope you had a wonderful 4th Jessica! Great post and great reminder of why we celebrate the holiday. :)
Warren Baldwin said…
Great fourth of July. Hope yours was, too. And, I like what you said about freedom.
Pen Pen said…
I know what you mean!! Look at us! On the internet! The fact that we're discussing "freedom" on the internet with no fear is something that many citizens in the world cannot say. We are a country that strives for equality, acceptance, and pure freedom. But- One of the BEST things about us(I think) is that we know we are blessed with many resources, and if a group of people asked us to help them to get freedom- we would WANT to help them. We aren't interested in only ourselves-We know what we have and we would help others towards it! America isn't about conquest-It's about ideals. One day, we may not be the most "powerful" country in the world(hello-China!), but i hope that we will go down in history as being a country that took it's power and used it to help others-not promote ourselves selfishly! -and I hope that whatever country could be at the top of the totem pole after us will be open to that too. We don't have perfect leaders, but the collective will of our people to WANT to help is palpable-I think. :)

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