Conference Goodies!

On my last post Deb mentioned wanting to hear about the good stuff from the conference. So here we go:

1) Amazing networking. I met many of my blogger friends, plus new bloggers.

2) I met my wonderful and generous crit partner. Also roomed with her, which was awesome.

3) Books, books, and more books. They gave away a whole bunch too!

4) Seeing editors and agents and realizing many of them are my age. Kind of a funky feeling there, but good.

5) Delicious desserts

6) Tree Climbing

7) Being surrounded by other writers is one of the biggest supports I've ever felt. It's incredible.

So that's the good stuff from the conference. There's so much more I could write about, but others have covered it better than me. The links below are for fellow bloggers who did more detail on various aspects of the conference.

Katie's Post

Jody's Post

Krista's Post

Eileen's Post

Jeannie's Post

Any links you all want to add?


Diane said…
Sounds like you had tons of fun and lots of take home memories. Maybe I'll make it to one, one of these days. :O)
Tana said…
WOW! That was great! I just spent a huge chunk of time reading every post!
Terri Tiffany said…
Sounds wonderful! I am soooooo glad you went! Are you going to the meeting in Longwood next Sat?
Katie Ganshert said…
THanks for the link, Jessica! I think I'd have to agree with everything you said except tree-climbing. Sadly, I missed out on that fun adventure!
Travis Erwin said…
Thanks fopr sharing. Nothing charges my writing batteries like a good conference.
I am happy you had the opportunity to attend this, Jessie. I bet your guys really missed you, though.

It never occurred to me to climb a tree at a writing conference! But the photo of you and Kristen sure looked like fun! I could do that when I was your age...
Nancy J. Parra said…
Conferences can be such wonderful things- friends and sharing and learning. I always say- if you can go- go. It's worth it. Glad you had a good time!
Krista Phillips said…
We so have to find trees to climb in Indy next year, so everyone else can join in the fun!!

Thanks for the link, and it was GREAT to meet and climb trees with you!!
What a blast! I'm envious! I'd go to a conference just for all that good stuff even if I didn't have anything to present to an agent/editor!
anita said…
I'm glad you had so much fun, Jessie! There's nothing like meeting with other writers to rekindle your muse. :-)
Tamika: said…
The conference counds like it was wonderful. I cannot wait to attend my first. I think what will be the most enjoyable is meeting all of my blogger friends face to face.

Happy writing Jessica!
Linda Kage said…
You make me wish I could actually make it to a writing conference some year. Sigh.

Thanks for the new links.
Erica Vetsch said…
Conference is such a highlight every year, and you made some great memories.

Wish I hadn't missed the tree climbing.
Dara said…
No links to add here; only that I'm really hoping I can go to the one in Indy next year. It's only a 2 hour drive for me then!

Also, I'm getting membership to ACFW for my birthday. And I'm aiming to get my draft written and polished enough to enter it into the Genesis contest in March. Gonna have to work REALLY hard but I think I can do it :)
Nancy said…
You find editors who are your age. I find writers, teachers, and all sorts of authority figures that are younger than I. That's hard sometimes. Very glad you meet some of your blogger friends.
Angie Muresan said…
I'm planning to go to a conference next year. There's the Willamette Writers Workshop here every summer, and I hear it's full of agents and publishers from all over the place.
It sounds like you had a ton of fun. And you've made us all want to go to one.
Jessica Nelson said…
I'll definitely recruit more tree climbers next time! Can you all imagine the pics? LOL Instead of responding to each of your comments today I just have time to visit your blogs! Can't wait. Kids are in bed and it's time for mommy to play. LOL

I hope those of you who haven't been to conferences get your chance soon. I can't say enough about how uplifting they are, esp. when you cyber-know peeps.
Stephanie Faris said…
That's the best part of any conference, isn't it...your number 1. Meeting online friends in real life. Everything else is just icing on that cake!
Jill Kemerer said…
Isn't it great that you're still enjoying conference aftermath? Love it! Thanks for all the links!
Deb Shucka said…
Thanks, Jessica! It sure sounds like you had an energizing and life opening experience.
Tree climbing? I looked for that one, Jessica!!! It was an amazing experience!!
Hi Jess -

I'm so glad you enjoyed the conference. I would have loved to be there.

Someone mentioned the genesis contest. I hope someone does a detailed post about the requirements or at least posts a link. Hint, hint. :)

Elana Johnson said…
I need to get to a writer's conference sometime soon. I feel like I need recharging--and that's what conferences do. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
Scary Mommy said…
My first conference was a big learning experience-- I'm anxious to go to another one now that I know what to expect!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Scary Mommy (lol, how'd you come up with that name?)
My first conference was a lot of learning and I knew no one. This conference was way better, just in the fact that I didn't have that alone feeling. :-)

Elana, excellent word for a conference!

Susan, LOL, I get the hint. I've never entered though but I can look up the details, etc. I know some of our fellow bloggers finaled/won, so it would be cool to hear from them too, I think.

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