Categories and Single Titles
A category romance is a shorter romance (45-60k, depending on the line, up to 75k if it's historical) that has a one month shelf life. Harlequin is the main category publisher though I think there are others who have category-like imprints.(Barbour and Kensington)
Single Titles are all the other books you see sitting on the shelf. They're usually 75k-110k and the plot lines include more subplots than a category.
For the past few months I've been turning my category into a single title. It's hard!
Do you know if there's such a thing as western categories? What size books do you enjoy reading? How long is your WIP?
Single Titles are all the other books you see sitting on the shelf. They're usually 75k-110k and the plot lines include more subplots than a category.
For the past few months I've been turning my category into a single title. It's hard!
Do you know if there's such a thing as western categories? What size books do you enjoy reading? How long is your WIP?
I took a single title and cut it down into a category romance. That was an experience, which really helped me find the defining points in the story.
I submitted a category romance geared for Steeple Hill and maxed out their word count guidelines. If SH chooses not to take it and we submit it to a different category romance publisher, I will need to cut more words.
I'm writing a trade length novel now and hope my plot and subplot is strong enough to sustain the length. We'll see.
~ Wendy
Wendy, you're funny about reading longer books! :-) I'm glad you get your wordage up to the 80s. That's a great count.
Terri, did you get my e-mail back to you? I thought it was funny we're doing the same thing. :-)
I'm shooting for 75k, but still have a lot to do in edits to reach it.
Best wishes with your single title! And thanks for posting this today and answering my question!
Lynn, that sounds like an interesting interview. If the author is already pubbed though, she might not realize that it's easier for a newbie to get pubbed when we follow the rules. LOL I'm glad I answered your question. :-)
LOOOONGG books, short books; that is totally not a factor for me. If I LOVE the book, I start tearing up near the end, not just b/c of the great plot but b/c I don't want to say goodbye.
Hmmm. Right now, Lily's about 130 pages. Sigh. I never check the word count. My first published babies all push 120,000 words...big girls they are...
LOVE your blog, Jessica!
Great questions.
I'm hoping to try my hand at a trade-length novel really soon which should come in at about 100K.
What do I read? Pretty much everything.
Do you write contemporary, Jessica?
Oooh, Erica! I'd love to read a longer one by you. Actually, I'd like to get your recent one before it's gone!
T. Anne, yeah, the categories are the thinner ones you see on the shelf and they usually have different lines with different guidelines on plot.
No, I meant westerns like Louis L'Amour and the long arm rifle ones (or something like that, lol). I've written one historical and three contemporaries, but those were linked. I want to write another historical someday, but know it'll require tons of research, which I'm not the best at. :-)
I write category-length. Right now I'm revising one MS and trying to up the word count just a wee bit.
Best wishes with your work!
Thanks Susanne! Did you ever hear back on your submission to LI?
Karen, if you figure it out, let me know, okay? LOL
I've heard of western romances. You could probably Swagbuck it. :)
It's a stretch for me, but I get to around 95,000 words. After editing, the book evens out at 90,000.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. Like most of us, it's always so exciting to find notes from followers and visitors.
As for me, I love a big, thick book, but only if the prose is beautiful and makes me salivate. Heh. Because most the time I'm reading in my genre to learn craft and stay on top of competition, I prefer shorter books to make time for writing. The big fatties(literary ones) are strictly an occasional treat. Like the Godiva of the lit world.
My WIP is about 38k at the moment.
It was a challenge for my first.
Good luck with yours.
Sometimes I'm in the mood for a quick read, sometimes I want a big book. :) It depends on the time I have and what I'm in the mood for. :)