I'm Home, but A Little Broken

I'm back from Costa Rica. It was an absolutely amazing, wonderful trip. I saw so many different things. I'll try to post pics later.

I'm not going to be blogging for a little while longer because a shark bit my right index finger off...

Just kidding.

It actually got smushed by the boat's toilet cover. *blushes* The poor thing is really gross and I can't type well, so I'll be back when the stinker heals up.

Merry Christmas everyone! Feliz Navidad!


Unknown said…
Can't wait to hear more about your trip! Sorry about your finger. That's crazy!
Is it wrong that I'm laughing!

That is soooooo something I'd do!

Just proves we need to meet.

Can't wait to learn more about the trip.
~ Wendy
Debra E. Marvin said…
oh dear. The shark story would have been quite something!
Linda Kage said…
Oh man, I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor from the shark bite story. Should've just stayed with that!!

Seriously, I hope you're okay and still have a finge that can heal back to normal again.

Welcome home!
Jennifer Shirk said…
Oh, boy, what a way to get an injury. LOL!
Glad you're back from your trip!
Keli Gwyn said…
Jessie, I hope you had a great time--before the injury. I'll be eager to hear more about the trip once your poor finger heals.
Angela Ackerman said…
Yikes! I just about had a heart attack when i read that shark line!

Hope it heals well and looking forward to your pics. We'd like to visit there soon as well. :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Susanne Dietze said…
Welcome home! Hope your hand feels better soon!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks everyone!
Wendy, keep laughing, it's good for you. :-) Angela, stop having a heart attack! :-)
Warren Baldwin said…
Shark attack ... you got me with that one. Esp since we are heading to FL tomorrow for Christmas. HOpe your hand heals fast. Merry Chritmas.

I gulped at the shark bite! Hope your hand is getting better.
Khala Krystuenna apo Kyprios...Happy Christmas from Cyprus :)
Sarah Forgrave said…
LOL, I just got back from an overseas trip, and I swear the airplane toilet wanted to bite my finger. Hope yours feels better soon.
Nancy J. Parra said…
Oh, dear, Jessica, your poor finger. Thanks for posting. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays~
anita said…
I'm so glad you had fun, Jessie! But ouch on that finger. I think it's interesting that the one time I sliced my hand bad enough for stitches, it was on a toilet tank lid that was cracked. And now here you are hurting yours on a toilet lid.

Toilets are dangerous! Heehee.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you, too. And also, ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Oh my gosh, I know you did this on purpose to make me feel better for the time I ran into a pole waving goodbye to my mom! Thanks for being such a sacrificial kind of lady.

Glad you're back--hope your finger heals soon. You need to open gifts!!!

Merry Christmas and Gloria A Dios,
Oh my gosh, I know you did this on purpose to make me feel better for the time I ran into a pole waving goodbye to my mom! Thanks for being such a sacrificial kind of lady.

Glad you're back--hope your finger heals soon. You need to open gifts!!!

Merry Christmas and Gloria A Dios,
Hi Jess -

LOL! I actually believed the shark story! I'd better steer clear of people selling bridges.

Praying your crushed digit heals in time to snap all those Christmas pics. :)

Caryn said…
At least you still have your finger. But still...how cool would it be to survive a real shark attack? (Almost) everything is worth it if you get a really good story. Glad you made it back okay. Can't wait to see photos!
Terri Tiffany said…
I'm glad you had an awesome time there! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Faith said…
Oooh hope the trip was fab!!! Is Costa Rica where there's a sloth rehabilitation center? Because I want to go to there. :D

Sorry to hear about the smooshy finger o_O
Deb Shucka said…
Welcome home. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Heal quickly. Merry Christmas to you.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Faith, I don't know about rehabilitation but there are definitely sloths! :-)

Thanks Deb!

Jeanette, of course I'm making you feel better! That's the kind of person I am. *snickering here*

Caryn, NO a shark bite wouldn't be cool! LOL But I know what you mean...

My typing is a pain, so thank you everyone for your hilarious comments!
Nancy said…
Glad you are home. I hope your finger heals up very quickly. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Closer to Lucy said…
Awww… Poor you, though I must admit I'm giggling, but just a little. I would have left it a at the shark bite!

Doing a bit of hopping -- Hop by Lucy’s when you get a chance...http://closertolucy.blogspot.com

Merry Christmas!

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