Te Amo, Costa Rica

Do I really love Costa Rica? I'm about to find out. :-)

This coming Monday I'm going with my husband to Costa Rica. While he's out fishing and filming for his tv show Extreme Fishing Adventures, I'll be soaking up the sun and practicing my spanish. Woohoo!

Here's the trailer for Jimmy's show.

Have you ever traveled out of the country? What's your favorite part about it? Least favorite? And does it inspire your writing muse?


Steena Holmes said…
I fell in love with Scotland once upon a time ;)

Have fun, bask in the sun and allow your mind to wander :)
Jessica Nelson said…
ooooh, Scotland! I would LOVE to visit there!
Emily Conrad said…
Wow! Here I thought it was exciting when I got to go along to Chicago when my husband needs training for work! I hope it's a blast.

I have travelled some, though some of my favorite trips happen to have been roadtrips in the country.
Kristen Painter said…
Costa Rica is great! We have missionary friends there that we've gone to visit. Have fun!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Emily, I hope so too! And I'd be stoked to visit Chicago! There are so many interesting things there!

Hi Kristen,
Thanks for the input! I don't know any missionaries to Costa Rica. Interesting. :-)
Erica Vetsch said…
Wow! I've never traveled out of the country...sad, since I now live in a border state...but I'm hoping to travel more once my kids are out of the nest.

Enjoy Costa Rica!
Katie Ganshert said…
How cool that your hubby has a show! Enjoy your time!
anita said…
Them's some mighty big fish they're catching! ;-)

I've NEVER been out of the country. EVER. But some day I want to visit Italy. It's my dream locale. And my hubbie wants to visit Germany. This will all happen after I become a bestseller and make mucho dinero. (There's you some Spanish, Jessie!). Heehee.

Have fun soaking up that sun, girl. You will be missed!
Terri Tiffany said…
Oh wow!! That was awesome! So it's coming together then?? Hurray for Jimmy:)
We've been to Cancun and Paris. Just don't drink the water down there:))
Patti Lacy said…
Jessica, how WONDERFUL!
As strange as it sounds, and as much traveling as I've done lately, I'm thrilled to be right here in NORMAL.

Blessings for a wonderful time.
Melissa said…
This sounds really fun! I hope you have a good time.
Diane said…
I. Am. So. Jealous!!!!!!

Lots of pictures please!!! :O)
Keli Gwyn said…
Jessie, I hope you and Jimmy have an awesome time. From the trailer, it looks like he must have lots of fun filming his show.

Do you fish? Ever caught a big one like those in the video?
Jessie Oliveros said…
That TV show looks very cool, even for people who don't like to fish :) I've been to Peru, Mexico, and seven countries in Europe during a Baltic cruise. I'd say my favorite was Peru because we stayed with family and actually got to experience the country through natives. I draw on travel experiences all the time when I think of ideas.
Jessica Nelson said…
Wow Jessie! That is incredible!!! I'd want to see the country from a native's perspective rather than as a tourist.

Keli, Yep, he loves to have fun. ;-) I don't ever fish, mainly because it's too hard to find someone to watch all three boys all day long. His trips are usually from six am to six pm, not including time to clean the fish and boat. But maybe sometime as the kids get older I'll be able to go. :)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Diane! I'll post some...

Thanks Melissa. :) I hope so too!

Patti, I completely understand. You've done quite a bit of traveling lately, right? ;-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Erica!!! Not even out of the state? Well, I hope you guys go on a roadtrip to see some stuff. There are some amazing views in the US. :-)

Katie, I know, it is pretty cool. I marvel at how I, the quintessential nerd, married a "cool" guy. LOL

Hey Anita! I KNOW you'll get to Paris someday. :-) Why does Vince want to visit Germany? Just curious...
I hear there's WiFi at the hotel so you may not miss me that much. LOL

Terri! I know, NO tap water. I'll be washing the fruit too. Heh.
Hi Jess -

Very cool video! Maybe your husband needs a sidekick on the show. You could develop a platform for your book. :)

I've done very little traveling outside the U.S. I saw the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, and Tiajuana, Mexico.

Kara said…
How awesome I didn't know your husband had a fishing show!!! I think you will love it. My sister recently went for a late honeymoon and then to a wedding of a friend. They had a fabulous time, enjoy:)
Sarah Forgrave said…
Ohhh, I've heard Costa Rica is full of zip lining courses. If you've never been, you must! It's highly addicting, and I wouldn't even call myself adventurous. :)
Jill Kemerer said…
Everything about this sounds fun. Extreme fishing adventure? That's code for "he's doing his show, and I'm hitting the beach." And sunshine, warmth, THE BEACH!! You're going to have so much fun!!

(Can you tell I live in Michigan?) :)
Tabitha Bird said…
Yes, we've been all over. My fav was the Maldives- for obvious reasons. I also loved Singapore.

Have fun!
Angie Muresan said…
I am from out of the country. ;)
We love traveling and do it as a family every chance we get.
Have a great time in Costa Rica! It's a beautiful place.
Congratulations to your husband on his TV show. :)
Nancy said…
Wow! I love that little clip. It makes me want to go fishing. Yes it does.

I have been out of the country and my favorite part is seeing things I can't see in this coubtry (like the Alps.) My least favorite part was the cheap toilet paper. I kept samples from the different countries, and one piece had a chunk of wood in it. Yuck.
Wow, Jessica!! Have fun!

Both my sons went to Costa Rica. My oldest spent nearly an entire summer there.

Have fun, and I hope Jimmy's show is going well.
Anonymous said…
I LOVED Costa Rica. I can't wait to hear all about your fabulous trip.
Jody Hedlund said…
Wow! Costa Rica? Hope you had a good time, Jessica! :-)
Robyn Campbell said…
YOU STINKER! :) Didn't you know I wanted to come along with you and the hubby? Dang! So while I was here freezing you were sunning? THAT IS SO NOT FAIR!

I want to go to Ireland. YEAH, YEAH, YEAH.
Stephanie Faris said…
That's SO cool!!! And I'm jealous of your vacation. How fun!
amber colleen said…
Ahh! Costa Rica is beautiful! I wish I could go back. My dad's from there, so we went for vacation when I was like... ten. I absolutely loved it.
kah said…
Are you back yet? I wanna hear how it went. :)

I've been to Panama and loved it. Will happily go back someday.
Warren Baldwin said…
Have a great time!

Yes, have been out of the country a few times. What I enjoy - the food. Least favorite - some of the cleanliness standards (or lack of).
Jessica Nelson said…
Warren, in CR we had to put our used toilet paper in the trash can. I never even knew countries did that...

Karen, I think Panama is next for Jimmy. CR is more rural, I believe, but I loved it so much!

Robyn, LOL

Amber, now I'm the one who's jealous!!! Thanks for stopping by. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Everyone else, thanks so much for coming over. I messed up a different finger again so my typing is really tedious, but I so appreciate you comments!
Karen Lange said…
Hope you are having a great time! The only time I was out of the country was in 1997 when we went to Niagara Falls and we stayed on the Canadian side. Not too exotic perhaps, but we had fun!

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