Awards, Awards

I have more thank yous! And then, on Tuesday, I'm going to have an awards banquet (the idea was inspired by Steph In the City, so thanks!)In the meantime, I know I haven't played the rules for all of these, but that's because I forget what they are. I'm looking forward to passing these on verrrry soon. *grin*

Thank you, Julie! Julie's blog has been spotlighting her Nano experience. Interesting stuff for someone like me, who's never Nanoed.

Thank you, Stephanie! She has a new blog and always posts interesting, conversation-starting topics.

Thank you, Jennifer! Her blog always has a weird news report and it usually makes me laugh.

Thank you, Dara! Dara posts about some really cool Japanese myths, names and facts.

Thank you, Jeanette! Your friendship really has "hit the spot." :-)

Thank You Mary at Writer's Butt Doesn't Apply to Me (and boy, don't I wish that were true for me, LOL)

Thank you to Tara at the BloodCrossed Writer! I haven't explored this blog too much, but look forward to it later.

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!


Wow! Awesome awards! Mucho congrats!
Diane said…
You're piling them up! Each well deserved. :O)
Terri Tiffany said…
You deserve them jessica! I always enjoy reading your blog:)
Julie Dao said…
Congrats on all your great awards, Jessica! They're very well-deserved :)
Angie Ledbetter said…
You gonna have to get a new blog just to house the blingage soon! Congrats. :)
Deb Shucka said…
Wow! You deserve every one. I hope you take a moment to allow yourself to let them sink in. Congrats.
Jennifer said…
Mucho congrats on all the awards. :) All of them well-deserved. Hope your weekend has been swell!

Keli Gwyn said…
You go girl!
Way to go!
Hip hip hooray!

Congratulations seven times over for your SEVEN awards. Glad to see that so many appreciate your great blogging.
Katie Ganshert said…
Congrats! Award central! How fun, Jessica!
Wow, I'm impressed! Your sidebar is full of pretties, and well-deserved. You will always hold a special corner of my heart, Jessie, since you were my first follower and have remained a strength in the storms.

Audience of One
Dara said…
Awesome awards! :)
Project Journal said…
WOW!! Lucky you! I am very impressed by all of your awards : D I think that it's SO cool that there are things such as "blog awards" lol!

I know I love looking at my one blog award. I go onto my blog and see it and it makes me smile : )

Angie Muresan said…
Yes you deserve them all! Congratulations! And have a fun and productive week.
Tamika: said…
Congratulations Jessica! You deserve every one. You have such a spirit of faithfulness.

Thanks for being such a blessing.
Congrats, Jess! May you get many more. :)

anita said…
Congratulations, Jessie! As so many have said before, you deserve each and every Kuddos you receive.

Keep up the blogging, girl! You've got a gift for making us think about things. :-) And your effervescent spirit brightens our days!
anita said…
Congratulations, Jessie! As so many have said before, you deserve each and every Kuddos you receive.

Keep up the blogging, girl! You've got a gift for making us think about things. :-) And your effervescent spirit brightens our days!
anita said…
I'm so proud of you, that I had to post the same comment twice. SNORT.
baliplus said…
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Jessica Nelson said…
Every single one of you is so sweet to comment! Thank you. :-) I don't deserve these anymore than you guys do. I hope you all get plenty of recognition for your kind comments and great posts!
Tana said…
congrats on the awards! They are lovely and you deserve them!!!
Linda Kage said…
Look at all those awards! Congrats. You deserve them!!!
What a lineup and you're so deserving!! Congratulations!!
denise petrovich said…
How fun are giving awards to people. Very creative people hang out at the writers' blogs. Congratulations Sweetheart. You are faithful and keep an upbeat, possitive spin on your blogs that keep me smiling and coming back. Love you, Mom
Jody Hedlund said…
You are the award girl today! Wow! Congrats! You deserve it for being SO sweet! Hugs!
Jill Kemerer said…
Congratulations!! You have one terrific blog!
Elana Johnson said…
Well-deserved. Congrats! :)
Kara said…
I love reading your blog and so the awards are very fitting I think! Congrats:)
Stephanie Faris said…
Awards banquet! I like your catchy title for it. CUTE!
Amy DeTrempe said…
Congrats!!!! Now, to go check out the blogs you referenced that I am not familiar with :).
Jessie Oliveros said…
Wow, so many awards. I don't really play by the awards rules either, and kind of make up my own.
Jessica Nelson said…
You guys are too sweet.

Jessie, I'm glad I'm not the only rule-breaker! LOL
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations for each one. Well deserved.

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