Thanksgiving Break

I wanted to do another post on dialogue, but family is in town and I have a feeling I'll be absent from the blogosphere.

That said, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday week and weekend, and I'll see you Monday! Or sooner, if my blog addiction can't be contained. LOL


Tamika: said…
I know exactly what you mean about the blog addiction- so true!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving Jessica.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thank you Tamika! You too. :-)
I can't stop myself!! Help!!! Even though I said I'd be away until next Monday from blogging, I find myself getting up at the wee hours of the morning and hurrying over to see what you all are doing in blogland!!! Ugh!! There is no cure is there??!!??!?!?!

Blessings a bunch to you and family!
Tabitha Bird said…
Enjoy the family.

Really there needs to be a self-help group for bloggers doesn't there :))
Have a great time with family, Jessica! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Jennifer Shirk said…
'Tis the season. I think everybody will be on break, too. :)

Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
Jody Hedlund said…
You are a blessing to me! Thankful for you and other writing friends! Have a wonderful time with family!
Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica!
anita said…
Have fun with the family, girl! And eat lots of taters. YUM

Katie Salidas said…
Have a wonderful thanksgiving.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Katie and Janna!

Anita, you know I will!.

Jody, you're a blessing too. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Donna, LOL, no, I don't think there's a cure for our deeper problem: Caring. Or maybe curiosity? LOL

Tabitha, your suggestion just made me laugh. Oh man, I can't even imagine what a self-help group would be like. We'd really be addicted then. *snickering*
Patti said…
Take a break, enjoy your family, and eat all the pumpkin pie you want.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Patti. :-) You too!
Katie Ganshert said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Jess! Hope it's a wonderful weekend for you an your family. :)
Hi Jess -

A short break will refresh you and bless your family. I'll be out of town for a couple of days, but my posts are scheduled. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jill Kemerer said…
Have fun with your family and eating all that turkey!!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Stephanie Faris said…
I think a lot of us are in that predicament now. Life gets in the way!

Happy Thanksgiving.
I am addicted, too. Isn't it wonderful? I'm not asking for a cure.
Angie Muresan said…
Happy Thanksgiving to you Jessica! Enjoy it!
Warren Baldwin said…
Have a great Holiday and weekend. I love Thanksgiving!


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