How do you view people? I didn't have much interest in people as a kid. Once I discovered books (kindergarten, guys), the life within them seemed more real than the bustle around me. I cared for and liked people but I didn't really see them as interesting. Until I landed a job at my local newspaper. As a freelancer, my editor expected a story on a person every two weeks to grace our Neighbors section, and it needed to be interesting. The story was supposed to focus on a local resident's unique skill or talent. I was blind, not understanding, wondering how I could find these "special" people. My editor forever changed my perspective. He told me every person has something unique, something special about themselves, even if they don't know it. It was my job to find that slant and spotlight it. Now everyone I meet I'm full of curiosity about. Who are they? What's their story? Where have they been and where are they going? If you were a story, what g...
Have fun. I love garage sales.
If you have someone who loves cloth bags, for example, and you find such at a garage sale, maybe bling it up with your own personal touch for them. Then, it's very new isn't it!! I love updating what I get at garage sales, and would love to receive such a gift too.
But she gets some GREAT stuff!!
One year she got a bunch of American Girl furniture and clothes and wrapped it up for Christmas for her girls.
Have fun!
Hope you find some great stuff, girlie!
Best with your day!
A lot of people sell new or almost new items. I purchased a beautiful set of new Libby parfait glasses for a paltry $5.00.
We can't go yard saling at this point due to the weather. Our season runs from about April to October. We're also finding tons of kid stuff, but not much in the way of household items.
Susan :)
Have fun!
I'm proud of you,
Audience of ONE
Gosh, we don't have garage sales around here now - it's getting too cold. Otherwise, I think I might do the same thing.
Were you successful in your bargain hunting???
I'm going to go to our local re-sale shops and garage sales soon! It's a treasure hunt, and the quality is MORE personal in my opinion cuz I hunt for the pieces,and the people's personalities seem to shine thru more when I'm picking things for them in re-sale locations. Example-Many times I'll find an amazing gift at a regular store and try to think of someone it would be good for, but-at re-sale places-The process is "think of person, find gift" as opposed Find gift, think of who it would be goo for". :)