Your Turn

While there are plenty of things to watch out in our Great Agent Search, I don't want to leave everyone on a wary note.

The thing is, a compatible, solid relationship with your agent can be the best choice you ever make for your career. Whether the relationship remains professional or turns into friendship, it can be wonderful.

We know the things to look out for, but I'd love to hear about any great experiences you've had with agents. If you have a great relationship with your agent and are interested in doing a guest post about it, e-mail me at jessica_nelson7590 AT yahoo Dot com. Or you can share in the comments section.

Here's a link to an encouraging and helpful post on picking an agent.

I'm looking forward to reading some awesome comments/posts!


Kristen Painter said…
My agent is five kinds of awesome. I am so blessed!
Stephanie said…
I don't have an agent...but I was extremely lucky and submitted to an epublisher who accepts unagented submissions. They offered me a contract!! My editor is absolutely amazing. I truly think that the 100+ rejections from agents were for a reason. This woman LOVES my book as much as I do and that feeling is indescribable!! I think that is the key to choosing your agent, editor, NEED to find someone who is as passionate about your book as you are!!
Amy DeTrempe said…
I don't have an agent as my publisher accepted me without one. But, the day may come when an agent is needed so I still pay attention to all the advice.
Tana said…
I don't have an agent but I'd like to read some good things.
I'm looking forward to reading these posts. Since I'm still looking for an agent, I need all the help I can get. :)

Can't wait to hear what your volunteer has to say, since I have no clue about agents, really.
Terri Tiffany said…
No agent yet but I have some nice wants:)
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm the same as all of you! I'm fixing to check my e-mail and I hope someone wants to blog about what makes the relationship between a client and her agent great. I think it would be wonderful to hear some tips on this, plus it's always nice to be encouraged.
Deb Shucka said…
No agent yet, but I'm really looking forward to reading about other writers' experiences here. Thanks so much for doing this, Jessica.
Angie Muresan said…
Jessica, I really wish I could go on and on and give a bunch of advice, but I can't. I am nowhere near even thinking about an agent. When that time approaches I will do my courting and will let you all know. In the meantime, I'm celebrating my blog's first birthday with two givaways. Stop on by, won't you? Have a blessed week. I'm off to church since I missed it this morning!
Stephanie Faris said…
Looking forward to reading it. I need all the help I can get right now!
Anonymous said…
When I decided to get serious about being a professional writer, I knew I needed an agent. My experience with my current agent is great, and my first agent experience was a nightmare and set me back a long way. A bad agent is worse than no agent. Without my current agent, I would never have sold thirteen books. I'd probably have given up along the way. I'd be happy to go through some tips and cautions, etc., if Jessica wants me to guest blog for her on the subject.
Sarah Forgrave said…
I'm in the same boat as the other "no agenters". I can picture myself some day being so excited if I got an offer from an agent that I might take it on the spot. It's good to be reminded of Laurie's advice that a bad agent is worse than no agent.
Patti said…
As I'm about to head into agent finding territory, I can't wait to read your link, when I'm not at work.
Although I have an agent and she is wonderful, I'm so new at this I couldn't begin to do a guest article justice.

Two people who could help you are Patti Lacy and James Watkins.
Jessie Oliveros said…
Both this and the last post were very good. It's true that if an agent offered me represenation I would have a hard time turning it down. But there are definitely things to consider.
Tamika: said…
Jessica I love this agent series. Looking forward to hearing some wonderful success stories.
Natalie said…
I love my agent! (Of course she's only represented me for a month-and-a-half so I'm not sure I know her super well yet). But so far she had great editorial advice, she's very professional, she has kept me informed every step of the way, I really respect her for what she does both in her profession and in her personal life, and she's just a really nice person. Hopefully I'll be as enthusiastic about her in a year--I suspect I will.
Jessica Nelson said…
That's awesome Natalie. :-) I think you will be too. Esp. with things so positive right now.

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