That's My King!

I've tried and tried to post this video on my blog, but am completely technically deficient. Therefore, I hope you'll check it out by clicking HERE.

Happy Easter Everyone!


So, I'm compared to your 2 year old *LAUGHING* _- won't be the first time (re: your comment on my blog....haw!), I'll go see what video you were trying to upload. There is a way to do it - you have to embed the code --there's a code that utube provides that you put in the add something something - oh, I can't remember!
Angie Ledbetter said…
Happy & holy day to you and yours.
Danyelle L. said…
Happy Easter to you as well. :D
Jessica Nelson said…
Kathryn, if it makes you feel better, he's almost three. LOL!
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Angie! And to you, too.
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Windsong. Hope you're having a wonderful day. :-)
Terri Tiffany said…
Hope your day is a great one!! Did you add more to your word count? I'm going to watch closer!
Jessica Nelson said…
Oh Terri, I did get 1000 in on Saturday, but really it's only been a thousand for this week. Thanks for watching. :-) My day was awesome, thank you!
Jessie Oliveros said…
Thank you for sharing. He IS our King! And because of our Savior's redeeming love there is hope for us imperfect humans. Happy Easter!
Jessica Nelson said…
The whole plan is just truly beautiful. :-)
Thanks Jessie! Hope you had a nice one too.
Jennifer Taylor said…
Don't you just love technology? Sometimes computers can be so frustrating, yet I wouldn't want to be without one.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL The idea of being without my computer is truly scary!!!! Hahaa.
Hope you had a great Easter and thanks for stopping by. :-)
Karen Hossink said…
MMMMM! I love that speech!

So sorry you couldn't get the video to embed, but I'm glad you gave the link.

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