A Winner and Some News

The winner of Jennifer Shirk's Role of A Lifetime is Jody. Congrats! :-)

More News:

Jen is giving away a goody basket full of all writer-essential material (read: office supplies and chocolate). All you have to do is hop on over and leave a comment to be entered.

Anyone heard of RT and Dorchester's American Title contest? Well, once upon I met this sweet and generous writer in an online critique group. For the past year she has been involved in this American Idol-styled contest. I just found out that she won!!!

Congratulations Marie-Claude Bourque! The prize is a contract. Her book, Ancient Whispers, will be coming out February 2010. You can find Marie-Claude hanging out all over the web. She has a grog with some other great writers, a blog, and tons of other stuff.

I hope you all enter Jen's contest and find hope in Marie-Claude's success!

Have a wonderful day. :-)


Jody Hedlund said…
Jessica, did your kids draw my name out of the hat again?! Their fingers must have magnets toward my name! :) That is too cool!! I've been looking forward to reading Jennifer's book.

Isn't it fun to see someone you've met finally make it to publication? I can't wait to start seeing that happen more and more among our blogging friends! How fun it will be to promote them and share in the excitement!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jody. No, this time I did the drawing. I thought it was so funny that I got your name.

It is fun seeing a fellow writer/blogger get a contract. It's just amazing to me and so inspiring. You're right about sharing in the excitement. :-)
Very exciting news! Congrats to everyone above!
Jessica, I did enter when Jody posted about it, but thanks for sharing again. That's real encouraging news about your friend. It can be accomplished, can't it?!

Hey, I haven't heard much about your book that's at Steeple Hill for reading. Any news yet? I'm praying for you.

Did you listen to the audio on the Harlequin site with Melissa Endrich talking? I found it very uplifting and encouraging as well. So much so that I'm back to fine-tuning ANB once more and working on good 2-page synopsis to send in, hopefully soon. I think I'm truly, really going to bite the bullet and hear what they have to say themselves about this story.
Oh, how is your little guy? Has the fever broke? I pray!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Eileen,
I'm still waiting. It feels like forever but it's only been two months. LOL I'm so impatient.

Thanks for asking about Nate. His fever broke, but (lol) now Sean has one. Sigh. I'm just thankful no one is throwing up. :-)

I heard about the audio and can't wait to hear what's said! I love getting peaks into the industry and the people involved. I've been waiting for them to put up an interview with the LI editors.
Kristen Painter said…
Congrats to Marie-Claude!
Congrats to Jody and Marie. That is very encouraging!
Thanks for the link to my drawing. Today and tomorrow are the last days.
I trust your family gets healthy and stays that way!
Isn't that always the way, it makes it circuit. I'll keep Sean in my prayers now, too.

Let me know what you think of the pod cast once you get a chance to listen. Melissa talks first, and then the suspense and historical editor.
That is fantastic news! Thank you for sharing, and CONGRATS to Jody!
Hi Jess -

Congratulations, Jody!

I'll have to pop over to your friend's blog. I've never heard of this particular contest.

I entered Jen's drawing also. She's giving away a nice variety of office supplies.

Susan :)

P.S. My new post is up. Duh! I scheduled it for 12:01 P.M. instead of 12:01 A.M. LOL!
Terri Tiffany said…
Congrats to the winners of both And I am headed over to your links!
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Susan! I was wondering what happened. :-)

Everyone else, thank you for commenting and putting in your congrats. :-)
Jennifer Shirk said…
Congrats to Marie-Claude--and Jody!
Jessica Nelson said…
Jennifer, whoops! I just saw that I typoed your name. Serves me right for posting too early in the morning. LOL
Thanks for the great links, Jessica!
Danyelle L. said…
Congrats to both Jody and Marie-Claude!
Thank you for your congrats ladies and to Jessica for posting them. I am so lucky to have such an inspiring writing friend as Jessica :)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Marie-Claude,
Thank you for stopping by. :-) And for your sweet comment!
Krista Phillips said…
Linked to your blog from Jody's... I love meeting Other Inspirational romance writer's on the journey!!! Love your blog and I'll stop by more often:-)

Jessica Nelson said…
I'd love to see you again. I actually see your comments alot of Rachelle Gardner's blog. :-)
anita said…
Congrats to the winner of the book and to Marie-Claude Bourque! I saw her book trailer a while back and it ROCKS. Good luck to her and may she make TONS of sales. :-)
anita said…
Oh, and congrats to you, Jessie-lou, for your AWESOME wordage! Keep it up!

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