Believing the HEA

Last time I'm going to rant about House, I promise. :-)

From the very beginning, I have wanted House and Cameron to hook up. I know the age difference is weird, but I always felt they had a special understanding, a trust, and an onscreen chemistry that would enable them to have their Happily Ever After.

Chase didn't fit. Not the weak, ambitious Chase of the first three seasons. And now Chase and Cameron are getting married?

I've watched the first three seasons more than once. I don't believe for a moment that these two will work. Even though they have friendship and attraction, they don't seem to fit to me.

Who are your favorite couples in a book? What is it about their relationship that allows you to believe in their HEA?

*Feel free to disagree with me about Cameron and House. LOL*


anita said…
Jane Eyre and her Mr. Rochester. SIGH. I LOVED their HEA. They totally earned it, going through so much tragedy when they were apart.

His seduction of her was subtle and sensual without an inundation of physical advances. He seduced her mind; and she his.

When he finally kissed her for the first time, I nearly melted myself. Heh.

I love them because they are both flawed and independant, and can live without one another. Yet they both know they can't realize their full potential as humans without coming together as one. The true definition of soulmates right there, baby.

Yeah. I'm gonna have to read that again one of these days. :-)
Apparently I need to start watching House. I've heard it's so good, and reading your posts about it has certainly peaked my interest!
Danyelle L. said…
Favorite couples? Cimorene and Mendenbar (Dealing with Dragons). I like how they complement one another.Cimorene is very proactive, while Mendenbar is more laid back.

Morgan and Raederle (Riddle-Master). I love watching their relationship grow. They see each other in their weakest moments and their strongest moments.

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. There's just something I love about the way he falls in love with her in spite of himself. You might say, they both do. I like how their relationship forces themselves to take a look at one of their greatest weaknesses and re-examine them.
Oh, I just adore House! He must be my favorite character on the television screen. :)

And Pride&Prejudice and all of those traditional romances are ranked at the top of my list.

And you can rant about house all you want! It's fun to read. :)

no problem...there is more than enough discussion about HEA to go around! :)

i could say my favorites are elizabeth and mr. darcy, or even the tragic love (at least portrayed by hollywood) or anna and the king. but then again, i really love richard gere and julia roberts in pretty woman getting together. to come from such different's the epitomy of a modern-day cinderella. love it!
I never really thought about my favorite love match in a book. Of course, I know my favorite love match in real life - but you guys already know who I'm talking about there. :)

Jody Hedlund said…
I love happily ever afters! I suppose that's why I'm drawn to writing romances. Hope you're having a great weekend!
Katie Salidas said…
I have to disagree with you. House and Cuddy are perfect for each other and not just because this last season amped up the attraction at the beginning. They really understand each other. =p
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Katie! I have to answer you first because I just KNEW someone would want House with Cuddy. I def. think the sexual attraction is there, but not the understanding.
So there. :-P
Jessica Nelson said…
They're a great couple. I completely agree, esp. how they can live separate and individually, but together they make so much more. Great comment! I can't remember that kiss. *snapping fingers*
But I just watched House and Cameron kiss in the third season and woohoo! That's what set me on this rant. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Lady Glamis,
If you, let me know what you think. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Windsong,
I think you've really pinpointed something here with your examples. The hero and heroine should inspire eachother to grow, even if it involves amplifying or seeing eachother's flaws. Did that just make sense? Okay, it's late. LOL You said it really well though, and it's cool that you have examples of why those relationships work. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Weronika,
Yay! Another fan. So we can gush together, right? LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jeannie,
What's funny is that Pretty Woman got really bad reviews when it came out, but I love the story too. And they put in enough similarities between the characters, enough vulnerability, that we really can believe that Vivian will make it with him.
Jessica Nelson said…
That's so sweet. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jody,
Busy weekend. :-) But yes, good. I hope yours is going along well too! :-)
Jaime Wright said…
Anne and Gilbert Blythe. Cracking slates over his and then ... fast forward ... "I don't need diamond sunsets and marble halls, I just. need. you." siiiigggghhh....
Anne of Green Gables. I must go watch it again and again and again!
Danyelle L. said…
Amen! I love Anne and Gilbert!
Jessica Nelson said…
OH Jaime, I loved that scene where she did that. Talk about spunk! LOL
Angie Ledbetter said…
Love House, but haven't gotten to watch at all this season. Some of the best writing available on TV, IMHO.
Jessica Nelson said…
Angie, I have to agree. The dialogue is incredible.
Deb Shucka said…
Hi Jessica. I just followed you over here from your lovely comment on my blog. And was thrilled to see you talking about House, whom I love. I agree - Cameron and House should be together. Wouldn't those fireworks be fun to watch?
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm SO glad you agree! LOL Yes, there'd be great fireworks. But they also know how to be tender with eachother, so I think it would be a really interesting relationship to watch. :-)
Jessie Oliveros said…
So I will have to second the Darcy/Elizabeth and Gilbert/Anne HEA's. I love Twilight but don't consider Edward/Bella HEA because she's undead. It's beautiful, yet creepy, yet beautiful. Oh Edward.

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