An Interview and a Book Drawing

I'll bet some of you are familiar with Jennifer Shirk, Samhain author and fellow blogger. Recently I won her book The Role of a Lifetime. I have to give it away because it was SO good! Seriously, I was laughing while I read it at the gym. People probably thought I was weird. The story hooked me in and I read it in like three days, which is good with my as-of-late crazy schedule.
Jennifer has a really strong, perky voice. I loved the humor and the characters. Go Jennifer!

So, she was kind enough to answer a few questions for me. Below is the short interview. If you want to be entered in the drawing to win her book, leave a comment. :-)
1. How long did you write and submit before you got your contract with Samhain? Well, I started writing when my daughter was about two--at nap time--then three years and two bad manuscripts later...voila! I finally sold. :)
2. What's your favorite thing about being published? I love having a little part of me to physically pass down to my daughter, so that when she's older she can say, "Wow, so this is what goes on in Mom's mind!" LOL!
Least favorite thing? The business side of writing. Promo and marketing can be draining when all you really want to do is write.
3. I've heard that having characters who are famous (such as an actor) is a no-no for newer authors. Yet your story is so cute and entertaining. The characters totally work. Did anyone suggest you change the hero's occupation? Why didn't you? It's a no-no? Oops. Why didn't anyone tell me??!
4. What do you think is the best advice for writers pursuing publication? Honestly? To always write. The more you write, the better you become. I've seen such growth in my critique partners as well as myself from where we all started. There's so much more to learn, too.
5. When does your next book come out and can we have a sneak peak? What next book? Oh, uh, I mean, of course, the next book. Well, I'm in the process of submitting it, but I hope to hear some good news soon. :)
Remember, Leave a comment to be entered for this cute story. Thanks Jennifer, for taking the time to answer my questions. :-)


Kristen Painter said…
Great interview! But don't add me to the drawing, I already have this book!
Jody Hedlund said…
Thanks for the interview, Jessica.
I just love getting to know fellow bloggers better! And I love to hear about an author's journey to publication--it gives me a sense of hope that some day maybe I'll get there too!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Kristen,
You're back! :-) I hope you had an awesome time.
Jessica Nelson said…
I really believe you will. :-) I think the writers who stick with it for the long haul are the ones who will succeed.
Consider me in! And it was a great interview. Thanks, ladies!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Janna,
You're in! :-) I hope you're feeling better.
Captain Hook said…
I love hearing about success stories. Makes me want to work harder to become one of them.

Great interview, and I'd love to be entered in the drawing for the book.
Jessica Nelson said…
I'm the same way. If someone else can do it, then I want to do it too, and I'm inspired that I can.
Great, encouraging interview! I can tell she's funny! Please enter me in the drawing.
P.S. You are so disciplined, going to the gym! Wow!
Danyelle L. said…
Great interview! Thanks for sharing. :D
Angie Ledbetter said…
It's nice when a real, busy and normal-sounding person finds success in this crazy field. Thanks to interviewer and intervieweree. :)
Thanks for this very concise and interesting interview. We can always count on you posting short ditties, can't we, Jessica?

I'd love to be entered to win. I like laughing through a good book.
Jennifer Shirk said…
Thanks so much, Jessica!

I'm thrilled you liked the book! :)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Thanks for the fun interview and I would love to read this book!
Jaime Wright said…
Awesome cover and i've never heard of this author, so I am submitting my name for drawing forthwith! :)
Awesome interview! Thank you for sharing. I love hearing about other authors and how they got their start. I am in the same boat she was... writing during naptime. I hope I can sell in two years! Nice. :)
Great interview, Jess. Please enter me in the drawing. You already have my email. :)

Katie Salidas said…
Great interview. I love hearing sucess stories. Helps give hope. knwo what I mean?
Jessica Nelson said…
I do, Katie.

Thanks everyone for commenting! I've got your names...Heheee.

Have a great day!
Great interview! I am lucky enough to be in a crit group with Jennifer, and she is not only a great writer, but a wonderful person as well!
I suspected as much!
Terri Tiffany said…
I saw this on another blog and thought it looked great! Good interview too! She is real:)
So pick me ---pick me----:))
"Least favorite thing? The business side of writing. Promo and marketing can be draining when all you really want to do is write."


Nice interview and the book sounds fun!
I saw this book on a blog and thought it looked fabulous. I just checked Amazon and they only have 4 left! Woohoo Jennifer!
I'd love a chance to win!

Very true. The more you write the better you become. :)
well, you've certainly made me interested in the book! very flattering description...and it sounds right down my alley!
Jessica Nelson said…
Awesome. All of you ladies are entered.
It's a very cute book, so I hope whoever wins likes it! :-)
Tana said…
I have the book as well and loved it! Well done Jennifer big congrats!
denise petrovich said…
Hi honey, good interview, as always. Please enter me in the drawing for the book. I also love to laugh during a great book. You know where to find me. Love Mom
Jennifer Shirk said…
Gee, thanks so much for the sweet comments, everyone!!

**blushing up to my badly-needing- a-touch-up roots**

Julie Dao said…
Ooh I will definitely have to check that book out! And her answers were amazing - love the fact that her writing is a part of herself that she wants to pass down to her daughter. The writing advice is awesome too!
She makes me want to write again! (I've been so caught up in the marketing part lately, and rightly so at this time in my career.)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jennifer.
Good thing your pic is in black and white! *snicker*
Warren Baldwin said…
Good interview. Provides incentive to keep writing! My 1st book is sitting here on an office chair waiting for me to do one more review. Lengthy process, but a good one, too! Thanks for the post.

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