The Morning After

Once again, the holidays are over.

Last week I wrote less than two thousand words in my WIP. Very sad. This week things are going to be different.

Now that Easter has passed (and it's spring break for some) what are your plans? Do you think you'll be able to zip along with your writing?


Hey, Jessica,

Today the girls are still off school for Easter Monday, so not much will get done in the writing arena of my life. Friday I leave with my mom for a women's retreat, so that will mostly be a write-off as well. So I guess I better really work hard Tues to Thursday to get my count in.

Last week was bad for me too. Must have been in the cyber air.
I have to confess that I may have written less than 1,000 words last week! But this week I hope to accomplish a lot more writing even if it's in spurts here and there! It always amazes me that I can often write for hours and other times I'm lucky to write 100 words in a few days!
Kristen Painter said…
I got around 8-9k written last week, and I plan on doing that again this week. Unfortunately, I didn't write anything on Saturday or Sunday, so I really have to get on it.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Eileen,
I hope you have a nice day today with your girls. :-) Maybe some horseback riding? A women's retreat sounds awesome. I hope you get your wordage in though. Have a great week!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Donna,
It is kind of weird how the story ebbs and flows, as well as our motivation. Here's to you and me pounding away at the keyboard this week! :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Yikes Kristen! That's incredible! :-) I hope you do the same or more this week. Then your WIP will be done before you know it!
Jaime Wright said…
I think I need to get sick more often. I was able to pound out about 3500 words this last week in the midst of a mental fog. I re-read it last night and was suprised it actually made sense!!! :) LOL
This week I'm shooting for my usual desired 5,000. We'll see if I make that!! ... but then there's rock climbing and that always consumes my time on the weekends. Perhaps I should pray for rain! :)

how many words are you shooting for, Jessica?
Jessica Nelson said…
Wow, good for you Jaime! That's awesome.
I shoot for 1000 words a day. We'll see if it happens. LOL
Danyelle L. said…
I'm still going to be writing a thousand words a day, along with revising a previous ms. Since we homeschool, we don't really have to worry about spring break much.

Good luck on your goals!
anita said…
Hey Jessie! You're still almost to the halfway point, so I'd say your coming along quite nicely. :-)

I'm hoping to keep up the pace of two chapters a week (they're short chapters) then maybe by the time I email my agent at the first of May, I'll be a quarter of the way in on my WIP. It's always nice to have something to report from my end.

Oh, and I just now watched the link you hooked up for yesterday's post. NICE. That's My King, too. :-)

Have a great day, and good luck on the wordage!
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Windsong,
You homeschool? My hat is off to anyone who does that. I've thought about it but confess to being completely intimidated. LOL
We'll have to compare notes later and see if we made our wordage. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
I hope you keep up your pace too! LOL More for me to read. :-)
Isn't that video awesome? Sometimes they play it in church and it just gives me chills.
I always have big plans. This week's include finishing revising 3 chapters of my new book to send to the Write to Publish conference for eval.
Jessica Nelson said…
Yay! I hope the revisions go well. Let me know how the evaluation goes. :-)
Cindy R. Wilson said…
Hey, Jessica. It was a wonderful holiday for my family. I was also able to make progress in my editing. More than halfway through the first book. Can't wait to finish and get to the second one!
Zip along with my writing? Well, hmmm, I've never zipped along with my writing. Ever. Why does it always feel so laborious? LOL! It's a great process, but so much work!

I plan on going through feedback this week and will start making edits and rewrites to my novel.

Hope your writing goes well!
i can only hope that's the case. i got sidetracked not only by easter preparations (lots of extra rehearsals for the choir and praise team i'm members of) but also b/c i hooked up with a good book and it seriously got in the way! but it's a new we'll see what happens!
Jessica Nelson said…
Congratulations Cindy! That's wonderful. It's so exciting when we're on a roll.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hey Lady Glamis,
Well, the pace doesn't really matter. Just the end product. So if it's laborious, in a way that's a good thing because it means you're working hard at creating the best story possible.
Edits and rewrites. Sigh. I have those too, piled up on my hard drive. I hope my writing goes good too. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Jeannie! A good book can always sidetrack me. I have a feeling I'll be a reader first, writer second for the rest of my life.
Glad your weekend went well and I hope you get some great writing done this week. :-)
Dara said…
I hope so. I've been trying my best to figure out what is going to happen in the end, and it's just not coming (well, some ideas are, but then I always end up questioning it because they are often illogical).

So, the best I can do now is just write and hope that I figure it out in the process--even though it pains me greatly not to have some sort of an outline :P
Jessica Nelson said…
Dara, I'm telling you! A stroke is the perfect solution. LOL
Don't worry. It'll come to you. You might even be able to change a past thread which could affect the entire outcome of your story.
Whoa, it pains you to NOT have an outline? LOL It pains me to even think of one. :-)
Tana said…
I have to clean this house. It has been Eastersized and not in a good way. Today and tomorrow I promised myself I would get my life back on track. Isn't it funny how something as wonderful sounding as spring break and Easter can cause such a disruption? Glad I'm not alone!
Jessica Nelson said…
Some people refer to spring break as spring cleaning, you know. LOL I hope it goes quickly for you.
Karen Hossink said…
Ahh, we're finished with spring break today. Back to life as usual...but busier than usual.

No writing "plans" for me, but you've got me thinking I should be considering another book. Nah. I'll let God come up with the idea. He did just fine with the first two! *grin*
I'm hoping to write more this week. Fingers crossed.

Lynnette Labelle
Katie Salidas said…
Your post is an inspiration to me. It's time to get motivated to write. No more excuses ( spring break was last week and Easter is over.) I'm going to give my self a goal this week and see if I can reach it. Let's say, one chapter completed. Thats roughly 4k words as my chapters go.
Jessie Oliveros said…
Yes I have all sorts of lofty goals. Actually it's funny that you wrote this today. I posted something similar. Your word count bar puts my manuscript to shame. I thought I would use a word count bar on my blog too because they are just so cool, but I'm not ready...yet.
Terri Tiffany said…
I made it to 30% so I am shooting for 30,000 words by next week!
You're doing a lot better than I am. :)

Jessica Nelson said…
Karen, I think you're smart to leave things in God's hands. LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Go you Quixotic! A goal can definitely help motivate us. Let us know how you do.
Jessica Nelson said…
Hi Jessie,
I'm gonna have to hop on over and check out your post! They are cool. Really, the percentage gives me a nice feeling of achievement.
Jessica Nelson said…
Wow Terri! You have left me in the dust! LOL
Jessica Nelson said…
Thanks Susan, but I think better might be relative. LOL My manuscripts need quite a bit of revising because I'm a pantser. :-)
Jennifer Shirk said…
In a word...NO. Maybe after Easter break I'll get some work done.
Jessica Nelson said…
I hope so, Jennifer. :-) But in the meantime you've got to market your book! It's really good.
J.R. Johansson said…
I was hoping to get a little done, but I have ended up working on replacing the kitchen floor instead. aww well, at least it's pretty.
Jessica Nelson said…
True. And once it's replaced you won't have to do it again for a very long time. :-)
Thanks for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
You will get back in the groove, but the holidays are so important for you and your family. Always good to celebrate God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit with your family. Good luck writing. Love Mom
Cyn D. said…
Thanks for visiting my blog! And commenting.

And thank you for the uplifting video. :)

Come visit again!
My publisher told me today --don't worry about all this booksigning stuff and all tha t- just work on your second book - your words will be what sells these book s- word of mouth, reviews...just get to writing that book 2....

I am going to take that advice and lock myself in my little log house in my little cove at Killian Knob and WRITE....yes....

oh, my brother got his TG books already - what the ??? I didn't get mine yet - pah!! laughing.
Jessica Nelson said…
LOL Kathryn! I guess readers come first. :-)
I think your publisher is right! Get to writing girl. :-)
Jessica Nelson said…
Cyn D,
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Jessica Nelson said…
Lynette, my fingers are crossed for both you and me. :-)

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