On the Red Carpet With the Guys of Splintered!!! (international giveaway!)

Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway. It’s now ended, and winners will be announced on A.G. Howard’s website (http://anita-authoraghoward.blogspot.com/p/contests-and-giveaways.html) within the next few days. Welcome to the Morpheus side of SPLINTERED'S INTERNATIONAL RED CARPET EVENT AND GIVEAWAY! Check out Splintered author AG Howard's website for a ROCKING intro to this international giveaway . This is also where you'll enter to WIN amazing prizes!! Don't forget to head over to Bethany Crandell's for the other half of this interview with they other guy in Splintered, Jebediah Holt! Now for our interview with the enigmatic and extremely interesting Morpheus (did I mention he has a British accent? And some very cool wings?)!! I'm SO excited to have you on my blog, Morpheus! I really admire your loyalty to Wonderland. I know you're busy taking care of some crazy things over there and am super appreciative you're taking the ti...